Friday, 18 January 2008

Surviving January

I think January is the worst month of the year. It is cold, wet and grey.

At least we're more than half way through it, but the warm weather and light evenings seem a long way off.

However, there are a few things that help:

Make the most of daylight
If I can, I get out when it's sunny - or at least when it isn't tipping down with rain. I find sunlight, a change of scenery and a bit of exercise make me feel a lot more cheerful.

Wear something bright
I find putting on a bright jumper and fighting the urge to wear black every day makes me feel a little brighter too.

Stay in bed
Sometimes, all I want to do in the dark months is stay in bed, pull up the covers and escape into a novel or watch the TV in my bedroom. And that's quite OK.

Make plans for summer
Having something to look forward to, such as a holiday, helps me realise that the dark months will end.

Eat chocolate
Yes, I know January is supposed to be the time for going on a diet, but I think that's daft. Leave the diets until spring. The Catholic idea of abstaining for Lent - just before Easter - might not be theologically appropriate for a witch but the timing is better than dieting just after the start of the new year. I wouldn't say only eat chocolate, though. I do try to eat plenty of fruit and veg too, to keep healthy.

What are your best tips for surviving January? Feel free to leave a comment on A Bad Witch's Blog.

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