

My Pagan Portals books on Candle Magic, Poppets and Magical Dolls, Scrying, Guided Visualisations and The Wheel of the Year as well as the community book I edited, Every Day Magic - A Pagan Book of Days and my Gothic novel Erosion are published by Moon Books. You can visit my Amazon Author's Page to find out more and to see other books I have contributed to. (Please note I earn commission from some links)

Here are lists of books I've reviewed or written about on my blog, organised by subject in alphabetical order:

Animals and Animal Magic

Animal Magic:
Animal Spirit Guides:
Aubry's Dog: Power Animals in Traditional Witchcraft:
Divining with Animal Guides:
Grimalkin, The Witch's Cat: Power Animals in Traditional Witchcraft:
Invoking Animal Magic for the Pagan Priestess:
Spirit and Dream Animals:
Pagan Portals - Planetary Magic:
The Future in the Stars: The Planets' Message for 2012 and Beyond:
Star Magic: The Wisdom of the Constellations

The Witches' Pyramid - A Wiccan View of the Cabbala:

Ceremonial Magic

Crystal Bible V2:
Crystal Chakra Healing:
Sacred Stones and Crystals:

Divination, Scrying and Tarot

Just Add Blood: Runelore - Anglo-Saxon Runes:
Pagan Portals - Divination By Rod, Birds and Fingers:
A Path Through the Forest - A Druid's Essays:
Druids: A Very Short Introduction:
Druidry and the Ancestors:
Handbook of Urban Druidry:
Spirits of the Sacred Grove:
The Awen Alone:
The Crane Bag - A Druid's Guide:
The Druid's Primer:
The New British Druids:
The Urban Ovate:
This Ancient Heart - Landscape, Ancestor, Self:

Environment, Sustainability and Eco-Paganism
Earth Spirit: Honoring the Wild:
The Wildwood Way: Spiritual Growth in the Heart of Nature:


Collected Ghost Stories by MR James:
Charles Perrault: The Complete Fairy Tales:
A Fairy Path: The Memoirs of a Young Fairy-Seer in Training:
Fairies: A Guide to the Celtic Fair Folk:
Fairies and Magical Beings:
The Book of Faerie:
Walking the Faery Pathway:


Discovering the Folklore and Traditions of Marriage:
England Doesn't Exist:
Irish Folk Cures:
Mummers, Maypoles and Milkmaids: A Journey Through the English Ritual Year:
Salisbury Cathedral's Green Men:
Samhain - The Roots of Halloween:
Sussex Folk Tales:

Food and Drink
A Kitchen Witch's World of Magical Food:
The Cookie Sutra:
The Mystic Cookbook:

Ghosts and How to See Them:
Haunted Bromley:
Haunted Tunbridge Wells:
What Dwells Within:

Gods and Goddesses

Aphrodite's Magic:
Artio and Artaios - Celtic Bear Gods:
Aspecting the Goddess:
Blacksmith Gods:
Channel Your Goddess Energy:
Dancing with Nemetona:
Daughters of Danu:
Finding Elen: The Quest for Elen of the Ways:
Hekate - A Devotional:
Pagan Portals - The Norns:

Goddess Religions and Feminism
Goddess Wisdom - The Sacred Feminine:
Journey to the Dark Goddess - How to Return to Your Soul:
The Spiritual Feminist:
Witch: Unleashed. Untamed. Unapologetic:

Herbs, Plants, Fungi and Trees

A Kitchen Witch's World of Magical Herbs and Plants:
Bud, Blossom, Leaf:
The Sacred Herbs of Yule and Christmas – Remedies, Recipes, Magic and Brews for the Winter Season:
Witch's Forest: Trees in Magic, Folklore and Natural Remedies:
Wood Wisdom:

A Storm of Witchcraft: Salem Trials:
America Bewitched:
American Witches - A Broomstick Tour:
Embracing the Darkness - A Cultural History of Witchcraft:
Grimoires - A History of Magic Books:
Hellish Nell:
On Monsters:
Oxford Illustrated History of Witchcraft and Magic:
Queens of the Wild:
Satanic Panic: Pop-Cultural Paranoia in the 1980s:
The British Witch - The Biography:
The Goddess in America:
The History of Modern Magic:
The Penguin Book of Witches -
The Three Dangerous Magi - Osho, G I Gurdjieff and Aleister Crowley:
The Witch - A History of Fear:
Witchcraft: A Very Short Introduction:


A Curious Guide to London:
Cruickshank’s London: A Portrait of a City in 13 Walks:
City of Ravens: The True History of the Legendary Birds of the Tower of London:
Curiocity: In Pursuit of London:
Esoteric London:
Geoffrey de Mandeville and London's Camelot:
London's Camelot and the Secrets of the Grail:
London's Ley Lines: Pathways of Enlightenmnet:
London Walking: A Handbook for Survival:
Mindful London:
Occult London:
Thames Sacred River:
The Secret Lore of London:
The Thin Veil of London:
This Other London:

Mindfulness, Meditation, Guided Visualisations
Labyrinth - Walking the Radiant Path:
Meditation Experience:
Mindfulness for Challenging Times:
Pagan Portals - Guided Visualisations:
Pagan Portals - Meditation:
Soul-Centred: Transform Your Life in 8 Weeks With Meditation:

Miscellaneous (Art, Literary Criticism, Philosophy, Humour, Travel, General Reference Books)

Baby's First Mythos:
Reclaiming Civilization:
Signs and Symbols Bible:
Visions of the Occult - Art and Magic:

Mind, Body, Spirit
Angels: Hay House Basics:
Chakra Clearing:
Divine Magic:
Hay House Basics: The Akashic Records:
Hay House Basics: Mindfulness:
Hay House Basics: Past Lives:
High Heeled Guide to Spiritual Living:
Joey Yap's Pure Feng Shui:
Lucid Dreaming (Hay House Basics):
NLP - How to Use it to Change Your Life:
Nature as Mirror:
Reclaiming Happiness: 8 Strategies for an Authentic Life and Greater Peace:
Rip it Up:
Still 25 Inside:
Tantra Step By Step - 28 Days to Ecstasy:
The 2012 Survival Guide:
The Barefoot Medium:
The Honeymoon Effect: Heaven on Earth:
The Joy of Friendship:
The Power of Then:
The Source - A Manual of Everday Magic -
When Will You Find Love:

Paganism in General

Celebrating Planet Earth: Pagan/Christian Conversation:
Children of the Green:
Crusty Crones Get Out and About:
Essays in Contemporary Paganism:
Pagans: The Visual Culture of Pagan Myths, Legends and Rituals:
Paganism 101: Introduction to Paganism by 101
Practically Pagan - An Alternative Guide to Planet Friendly Living:
The Earth, The Gods and the Soul: Pagan Philosophy:
The Pagan Writers' Guide:

Desire Paths - Real Walks to Unreal Places:
Goblin Queens and Qualia Knights:
On Walking:
The Footbook of Zombie Walking:
Walking, Stumbling, Limping, Falling:
Ways to Wander:

Rituals, Ceremonies, Spells and Books of Shadows

A Ceremony for Every Occasion:
A Mystic Guide to Cleansing and Clearing:
Ariadne's Thread - Ancient Minoan Rites:
By Spellbook and Candle: Cursing:
Energy Magick:
Forbidden Rites:
Grimoire of a Kitchen Witch:
Hocus Pocus:
Holy Wild: Heathen Bible for the Untamed Woman:
Hoodoo Folk Magic:
Identity and the Quartered Circle:
Kitchen Witchcraft: Spells and Charms:
Lovespells: The Authentic Collection of a White Witch:
One Coven's Way: A Book of Rites:
Planetary Spells and Rituals:
Poppet Magick by Silver Ravenwolf:
Practical Candleburning Rituals:
The Witch's Journal: Charms, Spells, Potions and Enchantments:
The Woven Word:

Sacred Sites
Avebury Cosmos:
The Key to Camelot:
The Sacred Stone Circles of Stanton Drew:


Natural Born Shamans:
Pagan Pathways: Web of Life:
Rush Hour Shaman:
Shaman Pathways - Web of Life:
The Heart of Life - Shamanic Healing:
The Hummingbird's Journey to God:
The Shaman Within:
Whispers from the Earth:

Traditional Witchcraft
A History of the Pendle Witches and their Magic:
Craft of the Untamed - Traditional Witchcraft:
Pagan Portals - Celtic Witchcraft:
Spells from the Wise Woman's Cottage:
The Devil's Crown: Key to the mysteries of Robert Cochrane's Craft:
The Secret People: Parish Pump Witchcraft:
Traditional Witchcraft and the Path to the Mysteries:
Traditional Witchcraft for Urban Living (previously called Mean Streets Witchcraft):
Traditional Witchcraft for the Seashore:

Wheel of the Year and Seasonal Festivals

Have a Cool Yule:
Once Around the Sun:
Witchcraft Unchained: Exploring the History and Traditions of British Craft: