Thursday, 10 January 2008

Update on Erick Wujcik

Back in December I mentioned that someone I know and respect has a serious form of cancer.

Erick Wujcik, the creator of a roleplaying game based on the Roger Zelazny book Nine Princes in Amber, was diagnosed as having pancreatic cancer which has spread to his liver. The disease is normally fatal.

However, Erick has started to have treatment for the condition and the news so far is as good as can be expected.

Erick wrote in his blog:
Monday, January 7th, 2008 was the date for my second “aggressive” chemotherapy session, and it started with great news.
First, it seems that the first session was a success. Epic news considering that the expected rate is something less than 20% effectiveness (and even less for the rare form of cancer they finally diagnosed from my biopsy).
Second, the blood tests indicate that my liver is back to operating within accepted norms. Since the numbers were getting better even before the first chemotherapy, it seems that all the well wishes, positive thoughts, prayers and meditations of my loved ones must be having an even greater positive effect. Thank you all!

You can find Erick's blog at

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