Thursday, 12 June 2008

Summer festivals

Summer is the time for festivals and there are some fantastic pagan events taking place over the next couple of months.

The Artemis Gathering
The Artemis Gathering is on the 8th, 9th and 10th of August and will be held in 40 acres of beautiful countryside in Oxfordshire.

The event features ecological and environmental charities, many of them bringing animals with them, including wolves, ferrets and birds of prey. There will also be a medieval encampment, a bar, cafe, fire pit and wandering performers. The main entertainment will be music by the Dolmen, Damh the Bard and Richie Hudson, with an alternative club featuring the Witching Hour DJ Swedish.

The event is selling out fast, so it is advisable to book quickly at

Goddess Parade & Festival
Canterbury's first Goddess Parade & Festival is on Sunday 17th August.

The parade will assemble at 10am at The Whitefriars Shopping Centre, which is seconds away from the Park & Ride drop-off point. It will process down the High Street alongside The Pentacle Drummers, giants, Morris dancers, faeries and musicians to The Westgate Hall, where the day will continue with The Goddess Festival. The parade is a free event.

For more information, visit

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