Wednesday 15 October 2008

Pagan event across the Atlantic

I'll be posting my usual list of events in and around London in a few days, but here is one festival taking place next spring that American witches might enjoy.

Cthulhu 2 Convention: Cthulhu Mythos and the Left Hand Path is taking place next year from Thursday April 30th to Saturday May 2nd 2009 at Radisson Hotel, 517 Grand Canyon Drive, Madison, WI 53719, USA.

The flyer for the event says:
"The Cthulhu 2 Convention (C2C) is a gathering for Cultists, Satanists, Lovecraftian devotees, insane artists, witches, black magicians, and outsiders. This convention is being organized to commemorate the four year anniversary of the Cult of Cthulhu; celebrate the book release of our second Cult tome, Liber A:O; and promote a fruitful learning environment for everyone interested in the Cthulhu Mythos and the Left Hand Path. United, we all have a greater chance to Awake!"

Pre-registration costs $75. For more information, write to Darrick Dishaw, 3523 Swansee Ridge, Sun Prairie, WI 53590, USA, or email

If I had enough money for the flight, I'd be very tempted to go myself.

If you know of any pagan events or festivals that you would like me to mention on A Bad Witch's Blog, leave a comment below or email me at


Anonymous said...

thanks for the sweet promotion!

yeah, this gathering is for people interested in the LHP and Lovecraft's Mythos.

that's the original link. if you want to make a presentation or be part of a panel, just let me know.

Ia Ia,


Badwitch said...

Thanks very much for the invite, but I can't afford the air fare.