Thursday, 16 April 2009

Margot Adler: Drawing Down the Moon

April 16 is the birthday of Margot Adler, author of the highly influential pagan book Drawing Down the Moon: Witches, Druids, Goddess-Worshippers, and Other Pagans in America.

The book, which first came out in 1979, was a study of neopagan beliefs and practices in America at that time. Many editions have been released since then, most recently in 2006, with extra material and updated contact details to keep it up to date.

Margot Adler is a radio producer, journalist and Wiccan priestess. She lectures on paganism and is considered one of the most influential pagan authors in America.

In an interview with The Wiccan/Pagan Times, Margot Adler said that she first became interested in paganism when taking part in traditional May Day celebrations as a child and then studying ancient Greek myths at school. During the 1970s, as a journalist, she became heavily involved in reporting on political and environmental issues, but found that she wanted to be part of a "environmental religion" and was attracted to Wicca.

Margot Adler was initiated into a Gardnarian coven in 1973, was running her own coven by 1976 and was asked to write a book on the subject of witchcraft by a literary agent. Drawing Down the Moon was the result.

About the book, she said: "I think at the time my main goal was to show the broad breadth of the Pagan Movement."

Drawing Down the Moon has certainly continued to do that over the decades.

Drawing Down the Moon: Witches, Druids, Goddess-Worshippers, and Other Pagans in America is available from Amazon for £9.99.

Drawing Down the Moon: Witches, Druids, Goddess-Worshippers, and Other Pagans in America


Anonymous said...

hello...i just recently started blogging at:

i have an extensive witch collection and am going to be photographing it and showing it on this blog site. just thought you might want to have a look and spread the word around. i might possibly have the largest authentic witch collection.

Anonymous said...

i can't believe i gave you the wrong blog name. brain cloud! it is:

Anonymous said...

I've heard so much about Adler and always enjoy her reporting--but I have yet to read any of her books! A purchase seems to be in order.

Alex Epstein said...

Drawing Down the Moon was a life-changing book for me. I went on a whole spiritual journey after reading it and realizing, "Oh, the way I feel is actually a religion?" That and The Spiral Dance were how I learned about contemporary Wicca. I'd recommend them to anyone.