Monday, 18 May 2009

This week's pagan events

Wednesday 20 May; Charles Darwin and the Northern Tradition. Talk by David Parry at The Moot With No Name, Devereux public house, 20 Devereux Court, off Essex Street, London WC2. Meet from 7.30pm, event starts at 8pm. Admission £2.

Wednesday 20 May; Radclyffe Hall: The Mystic and Occult Life of the Legendary Lesbian. Talk by Dr Esther Saxey at Treadwells, 34 Tavistock Street, Covent Garden, London WC2E 7PB. 7.15pm for 7.30pm start. Entry £5, booking advised. Tel: 020 7240 8906 or email:

Friday 22 May; launch of The Encyclopaedia Goetica Volume 1: The True Grimoire with Jake Stratton-Kent at Treadwells, 34 Tavistock Street, Covent Garden, London WC2E 7PB. 7pm start. Entry free but booking essential as it is guest list only. Tel: 020 7240 8906 or email:

Saturday 23 May; Foundations of Tarot Part I. Workshop on the secrets of the minor arcana with Hilde Liesens and Cilla Conway. Time: 11am - 6pm. Tea and biscuits provided but bring your own packed lunch. Venue: a private house near Harrow & Wealdstone Station; address will be confirmed when you book. Cost £40 per day. To book phone or email Hilde (07768 377 646 - or Cilla (07949 7666 34 -

May 24 & 25, the late May bank holiday weekend; Beltane Bash - an anual pagan festival with music, stalls, workshops and talks. Venue: Conway Hall, Red Lion Square, Holborn, London, WC1R 4RL. One-day tickets cost £15, two-day tickets are £25. Visit

For details of future events/ future events visit my new events page at

If you know of any pagan events and want them listed on A Bad Witch's Blog, email me at or leave a comment below.

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