Wednesday, 7 April 2010

Call for Writers: Minority Voices in Paganism

I was sent this press release about a publishing company looking for writing submissions from pagans who come from non-European ethnic backrounds. I thought I'd reproduce it in full, apologies if it is a little longer than my usual posts:

Megalithica Books, an imprint of Immanion Press (Stafford, UK/Portland, OR, U.S.A) is seeking submissions for an anthology on people of colour working in magical communities. This anthology will be an opportunity to get the voices and experiences of minorities within the Pagan community out to the world and address some of the challenges, stereotyping, frustrations and the beauty of being different within the racial construct of typical Pagan or Wiccan groups. These communities include (but are not limited to) groups and individuals working in Wicca, Voodoo, Umbanda, Shaman and other Pagan paths.

Many of the roots of Paganism have come from the lands of people of colour, yet the mainstreaming of Wicca has elevated images of worship and deity that connect with Celtic, Greek or Roman cultures. This can have an exclusive effect on those who’s culture or ancestry fall outside of those categories. Interestingly enough people of colour within Paganism are often walking between the worlds of their birth ancestry and culture and that of their spiritual culture. This anthology is an opportunity to share your stories and experiences with others around being a minority in our spiritual community.

Here are some suggested topics to give you an idea of the focus of this anthology.

* Your experience of integration into the Pagan community
* Magical work
* Ancestor work
* Integrating your birth culture with your spiritual workings
* Personal experiences and thoughts around how being of colour within the Pagan community was significant.
* What magical work are you doing now? How do you describe it? Do you work alone, in a group, or in several settings?
* Your birth culture and spiritual workings
* Stereotypes and prejudice
* Being the only person of colour in a coven, group or community
* Sharing your culture and history with other Pagans
* Cultural history
* Sub-culture of African Americans, Hispanics or other minority groups within Wicca or Paganism.
* Is there a sense of acceptance within the magical community you work in? Do you encounter resistance in your magical community or acceptance?
* What do you feel is needed to be more inclusive of racial diversity in Pagan communities

Rough drafts are due by July 15, 2010. These drafts will be edited in a back-and-forth process with the editor. Essays should be 1,500-4,000 words, although if your work falls outside those limits, do submit it – we can discuss this during the editing process. Drop us an email if you are unsure whether your idea fits into the content. The sooner you start the communication process the better, as after the deadline we won’t be considering additional ideas.

Essay requirements:

• Citations for all quoted, paraphrased, or otherwise unoriginal material
• Bibliography of works cited
• Prefer APA format

Do write in your voice! If you’re academically inclined or trained, feel free to be as intelligent and technical as you like. If your work entirely talks in the first person about your own experience, please include this also. There is a wide range of voices, and we are interested in being as inclusive of style as possible.

Accepted contributors will receive a free copy of the anthology when it is published and additional copies sold at 40% off the cover price to contributors. All contributors will be provided with a contract upon final acceptance of their essays, not when they are accepted for editing. If your essay is not accepted for the anthology, we will tell you after the first round of edits.

The anthology will be edited by Crystal Blanton. She is the author of an upcoming pagan/occult nonfiction book called Bridging the Gap; Working Within the Dynamics of Pagan Groups and Society. She may be found online at


The Greenwich Phantom said...

Hope you're going to submit, BW!

Badwitch said...

As a white European, I don't think I am eligible to submit.