Monday 19 April 2010

Pagan events, festivals and lectures

For details of future events visit my events page at, but here are this week's events of interest to pagans in London and other parts of England:

Monday 19 April; Pagan Moot - open to anyone interested. Venue: Red Lion pub, Ramsgate, Kent. Meet from 7.30pm in the downstairs bar before going up to the private room for the moot. For more details email

Wednesday 21 April; The Third Road: Faerie in Hypermodernity. Lecture by Patrick Curry at Treadwell’s, 34 Tavistock Street, Covent Garden, London WC2E 7PB. Time: 7.15pm for 7.30 start. Tickets £7, booking essential. Tel: 020 7240 8906. For more details visit the website

22, 23, 24 April; performances of The Southwark Mysteries by John Constable, directed by Sarah Davey-Hull, at Southwark Cathedral. Starts 7.15pm (doors open at 6.45pm). These plays are inspired by the medieval mystery plays, but use the history of Bankside and contemporary humour. Tickets cost £15/£10 concessions. For more details and to book tickets visit the website

Sunday, 25 April; PF London Earth Week and Outdoor Beltane gathering. PF London will be gathering at Queens Wood, Highgate, London for its annual Earth Week/Beltane outdoor ritual from noon until 6pm. There will be a picnic, a guided walk through the wood at 3.30pm, an attunement and ritual performed by Pagan pathfinders and a short drumming session from approximately 5pm. This is a free event, but donations would be welcome.

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