Tuesday, 18 May 2010

News: Tourists destroy pagan temple

According to Interfax, a family of holidaymakers in Moscow, Russia, mistook a pagan shrine for a log pile and started to use it as a barbecue.

Members of the pagan community arrived to protect the shrine, and an altercation took place when the tourists refused to move.

One person was taken to hospital with an eye injury.

You can read the full story at: http://www.interfax-religion.com/?act=news&div=7264


Gordon said...

I should be outraged but it's just too funny a story.

I'm especially enjoying picturing them arguing in Russian and then refusing to move.

Must have been a fairly ropey shrine to be mistaken for a log pile. That's what I assume the tourists' argument was.

Anonymous said...

Gordon, it defenitly coudn't be mistaken for logs.
Here how it looked like


And here is one of the "logs"

That place was a pretty old temple (some 8 years old), and coudn't be mistaken.
The vandals were not exactly tourists, those people just went out to celebrate someone birthday with vodka and some roasted meat.

The fight was between one pagan and a bunch of vandals, and a s a results a pagan has damages his eye, which lead to the amputation of the eye.
Indeed he shot one of the vandals, and contributed to the start of the fight, but he shot to the air first and was using civil non lethal (hence legal for defence) pistol.

Police is not on pagans side so far. Let's see how it will develop.

Anonymous said...

Gordon, it defenitly coudn't be mistaken for logs.
Here how it looked like


And here is one of the "logs"

That place was a pretty old temple (some 8 years old), and coudn't be mistaken.
The vandals were not exactly tourists, those people just went out to celebrate someone birthday with vodka and some roasted meat.

The fight was between one pagan and a bunch of vandals, and a s a results a pagan has damages his eye, which lead to the amputation of the eye.
Indeed he shot one of the vandals, and contributed to the start of the fight, but he shot to the air first and was using civil non lethal (hence legal for defence) pistol.

Police is not on pagans side so far. Let's see how it will develop.

Badwitch said...

Merlin-of-chaos - thanks for posting those links to the pictures of the temple and "log". It is a lovely temple - I agree there is no way anyone could genuinely think it was just a random pile of logs. What a shame there was such an unfortunate incident.