Tuesday, 1 June 2010

Anniversary of the Witchcraft Act

On this day, 1 June 1563, the Witchcraft Act of 1563 came into force, according to Llewellyn's" 2010 Witches' Calendar

The Calender says this came into force in England, but I think the American authors of the calendar may be a bit geographically confused.

According to Wikipedia, the Witchcraft Act of 1563 was passed by the Scottish Parliament, not the English Parliament. It made not only the practice of witchcraft a capital offence, but those consulting with witches were also subject to the death penalty if found guilty.

The Witchcraft Act 1562, the previous year, was an Act passed by the English Parliament. It is England's most notorious Witchcraft Act and was passed in the reign of Queen Elizabeth I. This Act stated that anyone who should "use, practise, or exercise any Witchcraft, Enchantment, Charm, or Sorcery, whereby any person shall happen to be killed or destroyed", was guilty of felony without benefit of clergy. Anyone found guilty would be put to death.

Llewellyn's 2010 Witches' Calendar


City Wiccan said...

scary stuff! . . . but makes me want to shout my chants from the rooftops even louder :)

Antony said...

Just shows why the craft was so hidden and secretive for many years.


A x