Wednesday 2 June 2010

News: Relics ancient and modern

Ancient relic: Altar to Zeus found in Egypt
According to a news story on National Geographic, archaeologists have found a 2,000-year-old pagan altar in an ancient Israeli cemetery. The granite structure decorated with bulls' heads, thought to symbolise Zeus, was discovered on 17 May during construction of a new hospital building in Ashqelon, Isreal.
Read the full story at:

Modern relics: Blair Witch town's "cursed" signs could be sold
Burkittsville, in Maryland, USA, which was used as a setting for the movie The Blair Witch Project,has repeatedly suffered thefts of its town signs. Now, according to a news story in Los Angeles residents are voting on whether to sell the town's signs on eBay.
Read the full story at:,0,7374616.story

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