Saturday, 18 September 2010

News: Witchy adverts cause controversy

Canadian witch faces fraud charges
A man in Canada who advertised his magical services is being charged with fraud because according to Section 365 of the Criminal Code of Canada, it is illegal to "pretend " to practice witchcraft.
Read more:

Witch's broom advert causes controversy
When a downsizer advertised a second-hand besom broom for sale as "witch's broom", they received complaints about the accuracy of the description.
You can read the full story at:

Pirate radio sends out adverts to Nessy
Paranormal researcher Kevin Carlyon says he intends to creating his own "pirate radio" to use music to summon an appearance of the Loch Ness Monster.
You can read the full story at:


Unknown said...

For some reason I'm picturing some sort of whale-call over death metal played by a classical orchestra. Time for bed, methinks.

Badwitch said...

That would actually be quite interesting to hear :)