Thursday, 21 October 2010

Blue Moon Festival with dancing pigs

Once in a blue moon there comes along an event that really shouldn't be missed. This Samhain - or Halloween - the Blue Moon Festival, in Balham, is just such an occasion.

It is called the Blue Moon Festival because it is taking place at the time of an astrological Blue Moon, when the full moon occurs twice in the same astrological sign in a year. Like the blue moon itself, this festival looks as though it will be a rare, magical event.

Publicity for the event says:
"Just when you thought there was no magic left along comes the BLUE MOON FESTIVAL! Seek out The Bedford Pub right next to Balham Station, where some random Edgewitches bring together the brightest and best in the realm, to enchant, entertain and teach...and of course, welcome in SAMHAIN with rite and delight!"
Workshops include runecaster Rig Svenson introducing The Rune Stick system; fairy artist Laura Daligan leading us to find the Guardians of the Land - A Journey into the Elemental Realm; magical medium Litz Butcher offering Hex and Anti-Hex: Psychic Self Defence and the art of Magical Pest Control; animal communicator Oephebia Stars teaching How to Talk With The Animals; modern shaman Laurence Gibson dancing and drumming through magical Africa in Sex, Death and Fear; fay craftswoman Lorna Urwin-Wright explaining out to Create Your Own Talisman; Mogg Morgan, leader of the Oxford Golden Dawn, leading an Egyptian Sky Dance; and authoress and painter Jocelyn Chaplin introducing the mystery tradition that numbered Pythagora as a member in The Mysteries of Rhea.

Rituals are being run by Priestess of Isis Caroline Wise, inviting us to meet Selket, the Scorpion Goddess of Ancient Egypt, while witches of great renown Rufus and Melissa Harrington will be reworking into Wiccan the most controversial ritual of all time, communion with the Holy Guardian Angel, Aleister Crowley’s Liber Samek!

Chief Druidess Emma Restall-Orr will also be bringing magic from the groves and there will be music by medieval acid folk band Circulus.

The venue is The Bedford Pub, 77 Bedford Hill, London SW12:

Admission to the event is £12 on the door or if you buy tickets from Treadwells/Atlantis bookshops, and a little cheaper if you buy directly from the website The doors open at 11am and the last workshop ends at 5pm. Dress for ceremony and bring dreams, drums and your friends.

By the way, if you are wondering why the picture above shows some farmyard animals dancing under the moon, it is because when I first heard about the event I asked organiser Caroline Westbury if I could mention it on my blog. She replied: "You can mention it. You can headline it with stars and a sun and a dancing pig."

I guess she meant that I could publicise it as much as I liked, so naturally I replied: "I''ll see what I can do about dancing pigs." Well, the Photographic Print of The Cow Jumped Over The Moon from Mary Evanswas the closest thing I could find. Hope it does the trick.

Photographic Print of COW JUMPED MOON/DIDDLE from Mary Evans

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