Monday 1 November 2010

Pagan events in and near London

Here are highlights of this week's pagan events in and near London. To find out about future events, click on the events link at the top of the page.

Tuesday 2 November; Romford Sacred Hart Moot. This meets on the 1st Tuesday of every month, from 7p. to 10.30pm in the Golden Lion pub, 2 High Street, Romford, Essex, RM1 1HR (at the bottom of Romford market). email Sarah at: .

Wednesday 3 November; Weekly pagan talk at The Moot with No Name. Venue: Devereux public house, 20 Devereux Court, off Essex Street, London WC2R 3JJ. Meet from 7.30pm, event starts at 8pm. Admission £5/£3.

Thursday 4 November; The Druid Order Public Evening - Talk and Meditation at Treadwell's, 34 Tavistock Street, Covent Garden, London. All welcome. Time: 7.15pm for a 7.30pm start. Price: £5, payable on the night. For more details, call the order on 020 8659 4879.

Thursday 4 November; The Angel of London and the Guardians of the sacred City. Talk by Chris Street at Sacred Space, Rudolph Steiner House, 35 Park Rd, London NW1. 7.30pm start. Nearest tube Baker St. Email for more details.

Thursday 4 November; Pagan Federation London Samhain Open Ritual by Tribe of Avalon. Venue: Conway Hall, 25 Red Lion Square, London WC1R 4RL. 7.30pm for 8pm start. Entrance fee: PF members/concessions £5, all others £6. For further details, visit

Friday, 5 November; Oracle Meditation Workshop with Drewyd Galdron at The Earth Mother function space, Hart St, Brentwood. For more info, call Drew on 07916 173078 or email

Friday, 5 November; Enchantment - An Evening of Chant and Mantra. Evening with Stewart Pearce at The College of Psychic Studies 16 Queensberry Place, London SW7 2EB. Time: 7pm - 8.30pm. Cost: £5/£8. Advance booking essential. Tel: 020 - 7589 3292.

Saturday 6 November; Witchfest International. Large pagan and witchcraft convention organised by The Children of Artemis. Venue: Fairfield Halls, Croydon, Surrey. Tickets cost £16 for CoA members and £20 for non-members.

Saturday 6 November; Thames: River of Souls’ (Samhain) Ritual run by Tamesa below the Millennium Bridge, on the Thames Foreshore, in London from 8pm-10pm. This ritual is to honour those who have died in the Thames. For more details, visit

Please note: I try to keep my events page accurate, but if you do spot any errors, please let me know by leaving a comment. If you know of any other events you would like mentioned, please email

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