Thursday, 17 March 2011

Magic School: Introduction to Paganism

Pagan Federation London is running an introductory evening class in paganism and magic, suitable for complete beginners and those new to the craft.

Introduction to Paganism will take place on Thursday 24 March from 7.30pm to 10pm at Atlantis occult bookshop, 49A Museum St, London WC1A 1LY.

The cost for the class is £10 or £8 for PF members & concessions.

Experienced tutors will be running the class and explaining the basics of paganism, pagan paths, gods and goddesses, nature worship, the principles and ethics of magic and basic rituals.

Advance booking is essential if you want a place on the course, and spaces are likely to fill quickly. For more details or to reserve your place email or call 07768 941373.

For further details visit

Previous related posts on learning the basics of paganism and witchcraft:

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