Sunday, 22 May 2011

My best birthday present

It was my birthday on Friday. I woke up that morning to see that my mum's potted plant, which I've been caring for since she died earlier this year, had flowered for the first time in months.

I was given some lovely things for my birthday, but I think this bloom was my best birthday present. I was so moved, it made me cry.

BTW - I have no idea what the plant is - it has quite thick leaves and petals, likes sun and a lot of water. If you recognise it, do leave a comment.


Susan said...

I checked with my sister who really knows her flowers and she suggested it may be a gardenia.

Woodwitch said...

What a wonderful thing to happen. Sometimes, these things happen just at the right time. Hope you had a wonderful birthday.

Witches are hexy ™ said...

How lovely, I know how important these blessings can be after you lose someone you love. Happy belated Birthday!

James C. Wallace II said...

Gauisus Natalis!!! You should harvest the petals and keep them!

Badwitch said...

Thanks for the birthday wishes - and Susan, thanks for checking with your sister and identifying mum's potted plant as a gardenia!

Foxglove said...

Looks like a gardenia to me. Are the petals thick and soft and easily bruised brown? The leaves glossy green? The scent REALLY rich and sweet and heady? Seen from above, are the petals in a spiral pattern? Gardenia.

Unknown said...

Belated Birthday Greetings , Bad. I don't think our Mums are ever really that far away from us.


Susan said...

You are welcome and I hope you had a lovely birthday.

Unknown said...

It could be a camelia,judging by the leaves.
What a lovely thing to happen,happy birthday :-D

Sandra said...

I'd guess camelia. If it is, then it's truly a wonderful thing - mine all stopped blooming about a month ago...

Badwitch said...

Thanks for all the comments! I'm now pretty confident mum's flower is a gardenia. It isn't a camelia - mum loved camelias, and I gave her one as a present a few years ago. That is now planted in my front garden and finished blooming earlier in the spring. The flowers on the potted plant have much thicker petals.

raima said...

This is so sweet gift of your mother to you.