Sunday, 1 January 2012

My New Year Resolutions for 2012

I hope you had a wonderful New Year's Eve - I certainly did, and now I feel ready to take on the year ahead!

I've made my resolutions for 2012 and, as usual, rather than just making a single New Year resolution, I've made a list of 10 things I want to achieve over the coming year. Here are the Bad Witch's 2012 New Year resolutions:

  1. Write a spell each month
  2. Post a full moon ritual on my blog
  3. Learn more about astrology
  4. Interview at least 6 people for the blog
  5. Learn to forge an athame (a witch's knife)
  6. Visit a site of pagan interest in London that I haven't already blogged about
  7. Visit a chalk horse or hill figure that I haven't already blogged about
  8. Visit the Museum of Witchcraft
  9. Visit Stonehenge
  10. See the Northern Lights

Links and previous related posts:


Lorelei Bell said...

These all sound like cool things. I can't wait to see you accomplish them!

Anonymous said...

Making a list of goals for the new year is a very good idea. This is something I need to work on!

Rev Wes Isley said...

Inspiring! Best of luck.