Friday, 7 September 2012

Horoscopes, Books and Guilty Pleasures

This week I've been working freelance in a newspaper office and every morning I've read my horoscope in the Metro on the train journey to work - well, the horoscopes are right underneath Nemi, which is the first thing I turn to.

Yesterday, the Metroscope told me: "Although you've been working on getting your finances in order, a spur-of-the-moment offer comes your way. Giving in to this guilty pleasure could set you off course."

"Hmm", I wondered, "a guilty pleasure - I wonder what I'm going to find so tempting?"

Now, like most people, I'm normally a bit sceptical about newspaper horoscopes. They are far too general to have much relevance for the individual. But I have found the Metroscope has often been pretty accurate for me in the past - and it proved to be again.

At lunchtime, when I went to the staff cafe to buy a sandwich, I found a discount bookseller called the Book People had a big stall selling lots of very tempting books. I started to pick up a pile, then remembered my horoscope. Reluctantly, I put all but one down again. One book as a treat is nothing to feel guilty about and won't put my fragile bank balance in the red.

The book I picked was The Hedgerow Handbook, a collection of recipes, remedies and rituals designed as a companion for country walks and hedgerow foraging. I don't think I'm going to regret buying it at all.

The Hedgerow Handbook: Recipes, Remedies and Ritualscan also be ordered through Amazon.

The Hedgerow Handbook: Recipes, Remedies and Rituals


chilledchimp said...

Juliette Genie taught Beginner's Astrology at the Astrological Lodge of London for a while. She's a very good teacher. Her Metro horoscopes are extraordinarily accurate for short newspaper ones.

chilledchimp said...

That should be Genik, not Genie. She didn't arrive at class by lamp.