Wednesday, 1 May 2013

How to Celebrate Beltane on Your Own on a Busy Day

Beltane is a time to celebrate all the joys of life and love. Spring has well and truly sprung and "Summer is Icumen In", as the old song goes. All around is greenery and blossom; birds are nesting, bees are dancing and flowers are blooming.

The First of May really feels like a time to do something special - except that this year May Day falls on a Wednesday, when most of us will be at work or rushing about with weekday chores. Here is a little idea for how to celebrate Beltane on your own in the middle of a busy day, in the middle of the week.

However much you have to do today, make sure you allow yourself at least an hour for a midday break. Take a packed lunch to the park or out into the garden and spend some time just enjoying the sights and sounds of nature around you. After you've enjoyed your food and relaxed in the open air, think about what you really like about yourself.

I know this is hard, so here is an easy way to do that. Make a list of at least three things you enjoy doing, then next to each one write that you love the attribute that enables you to do that activity. For example, if you love dancing, next to that write "I love the fact that I can dance", if you love reading, write "I love being able to read".

Don't worry about what other people think - this is just about what you love doing. My mum, for example, was partly deaf following an ear operation when she was very young. She blamed this for the fact that she was totally unable to sing in tune - yet she loved to sing and often did so while she was doing the housework. She would say, "I have a song in my heart - it doesn't matter if other people can recognise it or not."

Finally, write at the bottom of your list: "I love the fact that I am alive!" Because Beltane is truly a day to love being alive. Then, over the Bank Holiday weekend you can celebrate the start of May more traditionally with friends, a party or however else you fancy!

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