Tuesday, 7 May 2013

Magic School: Learn Moon Magic This Thursday

There are still a few places left on an evening course on Moon Magic starting this Thursday, 9 May, in Strood, Kent.

The course is being run by experienced witchcraft teacher May Draper. The description says: "How does the Moon affect your life? Four in-depth evening workshops studying how to live in harmony with the Moon. At the end of each workshop there will be an outdoor ritual to draw down the moon and a spell to demonstrate how to work with each phase."

The classes will run on 9 May, 18 May, 25 May and 1 June and start at 7pm. The venue is in Moore Street, Strood, Kent. The cost for the course is £40. For more details, or to book a place, phone May on 01634 727986.

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