Friday, 7 June 2013

Last Chance to Fill In Survey On Pagan Census

Last month I mentioned that Vivianne Crowley is asking Pagans to help her with some research by filling in a short questionnaire about how they filled in the UK Census form. She needs to get all the information by Sunday, 9 June. So if you want to fill out the survey, please do so today or tomorrow.

Vivianne said: "I’ve got until Sunday 9 June to get in responses before putting together the first analysis of the results, so if you can remind people who haven’t got round to completing the questionnaire to do so that would be great. And I’d love to get more responses from those whose Census forms were completed by other people – maybe their partners, parents, landlords or others who may not have been Pagan themselves – and from younger and older people (under 30 and over 60).

"Just to remind you of the background, I've been invited by the British Sociological Association's Sociology of Religion group to give a paper on Pagan responses to the UK Census 2011. There is a big difference between the survey numbers and those quoted for number of Pagans in the UK and I'm trying to tease out some of the reasons. One might be that numbers have been inflated. The other might be that Pagans for various reasons were under-reported. All responses are anonymous."

Here is the link to the survey:

Do forward this to anyone you think might be interested.

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