Friday, 21 June 2013

Summer Solstice Stone Circle Puzzle

Today is the Summer Solstice. It is also a Friday, and therefore I suspect many people who would love to be out celebrating the longest day of the year at a stone circle will instead be stuck at work.

However, to give you a little glimpse of some stone circles in the UK, here is a little coffee break puzzle. How many can you identify from the collage above? As a hint, they are all stone circles that I have blogged about in the past.

There is no prize if you get them all right but, if you do, you can congratulate yourself on your megalithic knowledge! I'll be posting the answers up on A Bad Witch's Blog over the weekend.

Feel free to share this puzzle with your friends, but please be aware that the individual photographs are the copyright of the photographers.

1 comment:

Alan Cassady-Bishop said...

1. Stonehenge, obviously.

The rest has defeated my limited memory.