Monday, 13 January 2014

News: Women of Power and Modern Long Barrow

Here are two news stories that caught my eye:

"Pipes, seashells, feathers and flowers, but not a broomstick in sight: Meet the modern-day witches": Read about a photography exhibition showing women as witches, Wiccans, druids, healers and enchantresses on the Daily Mail website.

"Beginning of long barrow in All Cannings": Work has started on building a new long barrow. The story is on


Anonymous said...

Very cool. I like the fact that they are mostly older women and no bleach blond barbie dolls wearing big pentagrams, lol. I saw about that barrow on another site and that is Way cool. I will probably reblog links to your post and the other links onto my blog. Thanks and BB.

Badwitch said...

Yes, I like the fact that they are mature women too.