Thursday, 27 February 2014

Magic School: Magical Astrology at Atlantis Bookshop

A five-week evening class course on The Four Elements in Astrology is starting Wednesday 12 March at The Atlantis Bookshop, 49A Museum St, London, WC1A 1LY. The sessions will run on five Wednesday evenings from 7.30pm-9.30pm.

Tutor Cat Cox will be teaching about the four elements Fire, Air, Water and Earth within astrology. Students will explore the nature and meaning of the elements and look at how they are expressed within the signs of the zodiac. Astrology, myth and experiential work will be used to develop an understanding of these fundamental symbols and students will also work with their own charts.

The cost for each class is £15. When reserving a place, you will need to provide your date, time and location of birth. Contact The Atlantis Bookshop to book places, on 020 7405 2120, or phone Cat for more information on 020 7377 0563 or visit

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