Saturday, 26 April 2014

Event: Beltane Ritual Today in Croydon

Here are the details of an event that got missed from my weekly events listing:

Saturday, 26 April; Woodland Hern's Tribe Beltane Ritual. Hern's Tribe is gathering in a woodland near Croydon for an afternoon/evening of festive celebrations to mark Beltane, the time of fertility festivals, May Pole dancing and handfastings. All may jump the Bel-Fire for purity and blessings, and dance around the horned May Pole. There will be face painting, masks, fun and frolics, drumming and singing! All are welcome - pagans, non-pagans, friends - to participate in the ceremony and/or the social afterwards. Time: Meet-up at Coombe Lane tram stop, Croydon, by 4pm to be escorted to the site. No photography allowed.

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