Wednesday, 2 April 2014

Magic School: Fasting to Fly Herbcraft Retreat

The Autumn Equinox might be half a year away, but here are details of a witchy workshop taking place in September that you probably need all that time to think about. It is called Fasting to Fly and is being organised by Karen and Fi, the witches of Sensory Solutions.

Karen and Fi say about the five-day event:
We witches have been plotting up a Fasting to Fly retreat in the beautiful Forest of Dean at Ragmans' Lane Farm from 23rd-27th of Sept. It is based around the elements, with each day focused and devoted to one. 
Beginning with Air on arrival. The retreat will be a total liquid fast; a juice fast for the first two days, energised spring water the third day, juice again until the last meal which will break the fast….a light soup on Sat lunch time before you depart.
We ask all participants to eat a light vegan diet free from caffeine, alcohol and other stimulants for the week prior to the retreat. A prerequisite to the course is reading Steven Harrod Buhner's book; Transformational Power of Fasting: The Way to Spiritual, Physical, and Emotional Rejuvenation 
Native power plants will be observed in detail and invited to be with us in a rite created together. A sweat-lodge run by the amazing Ray Coles, on Wednesday evening, will dedicate all our combined healing energy to the EARTH. Through-out the five days we shall be using yoga, breath, music and divination to slow us all down to the rhythm of the land that'll be surrounding us whilst we all imbibe herbs in many forms.
The cost for Fasting to Fly is £650 and needs to be paid in full by July 1st. To reserve a place you will need to pay a deposit of £350. For more details, call Karen on 07865081927 or Fi on 07830195745

Links and previous related posts
Transformational Power of Fasting: The Way to Spiritual, Physical, and Emotional Rejuvenation


cartoonkate said...

Tempted. Seriously tempted...

cartoonkate said...

Tempted. Seriously tempted...