Wednesday, 18 June 2014

Stonehenge Theory: Quantum of Solstice

Around the time of the Summer Solstice there are always a few books published about Stonehenge offering new ideas about how or why the ancient stone circle was built and what it was used for. Here is a press release about one such book, 13 Ancient things that don't make sense in history by Robert Langdon, who is also the author of The Stonehenge Enigma. I haven't read the book, but here is the press release I've just received about it - enjoy:
The unique bond between Stone-Age man and quantum science has been proven by the recent discovery of how Stonehenge was constructed some six thousand years ago.

Robert John Langdon’s new book ’13 Ancient things that don't make sense in history’ reveals, for the first time, details of how our ancestors built this most famous of prehistoric sites, based around perfect geometrical mathematics. This groundbreaking book also shows that the famous principles taught to most secondary school children, currently accredited to the ancient Greek mathematician Pythagoras, was actually practised some four thousand years earlier by an ancient society known to archaeologists as the ‘Megalithic People.’

This prehistoric civilisation was responsible for the construction of stone monuments such as Stonehenge where the latter-day Druids will gather on the Morning Summer Solstice on the 21st June this year, to witness the sun rising on the longest day. Little will they know that the stone construction that surrounds them was deliberately built to the exact dimensions of a mathematical shape known as a Hexagram?

This constructional blueprint is well known to quantum scientists and biologists as it is the fundamental building block of nature and unique geometrical entities such as snowflakes and flower petals. From bees' honeycombs, the Giant's Causeway and even the mysterious north pole on the planet Saturn, hexagonal patterns are prevalent in nature due to their efficiency, which like Stonehenge are based on a six sided construction made from perfect isosceles and Pythagorean triangles, commonly known as the golden ratio.
Apparently an exhibition of Robert John Langdon's work, including prehistoric maps of Wiltshire and the South Downs and models of the original Stonehenge structure are available to view at: Ology, 12-14 High St, Rottingdean, Brighton BN2 7HR.

Links and previous related posts
Robert John Langdon

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