If you are a fan of HP Lovecraft's tales of the Cthulhu mythos
I went to see Father Dagon on Wednesday and thought it was so brilliant I couldn't stop thinking about it afterwards. So much so that at night I dreamt I was a cultist who summoned the sea god Dagon to eat all the people who are annoying me at the moment. A highly satisfying dream, although no doubt one I ought to feel more guilty about enjoying so much :)
Dreams in fact form an important part of the play, and the whole thing - conducted in perambulatory theatre style - is like some recurring nightmare from the head of HP Lovecraft. The photo at the top shows the first scene in the drama - the horror author himself in his study, talking about his inspiration for his stories.
I don't want to give away too many spoilers though, as this is a play that needs to be experienced fresh.
Father Dagon is on until 30 August at the Rag Factory; 16-18 Heneage Street, London E1 5LJ. Start times at 7pm and 9.15pm. Tickets £15/£10 from: http://www.skiddle.com/groups/dreadfallstheatre/events.html
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