Saturday 23 May 2015

Magic School: Introduction to Scrying

Here are the details of an eight-week evening class course on scrying that is starting at the College of Psychic Studies in London in June:

An Introduction to Scrying, with Michelle Hawcroft
Gently relax into a short course on Scrying. Using crystal balls, mirrors, water, candle flame and other everyday items, learn how to see the past, present and future. One of the lessons  is a traditional exercise for the third eye chakra to open it up more fully. This course will teach you how to focus, still your mind and trust what your guides are showing you.

Cost: £160 (Full price), members: £130
Dates: 2 June - 21 July, Tuesdays, 5:15pm, 8 weeks

Michelle Hawcroft is also giving a lecture at the Pagan Federation London conference on June 27.

You can find out more details about the course and book a place here:

For details of the PF London conference, visit:

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