Here are events in London and other parts of the UK over the next week and a bit that could be of interest to pagans.
Now to Sunday 19 July. Numinous - photographic exhibition by Sara Hannant inspired by the tradition of offering votive rags at Cornwall’s Holy Wells. Venue: Forty Hill, Enfield EN2 9HA. Free to enter, opening times: Tuesday–Friday 11am–5pm, Saturday, Sunday and Bank Holidays noon–5pm. For more details, call 020 8363 8196 or visit:
Wednesday 24 June; Middle Pillar Ritual. Workshop with Marysia Kolodziej. Venue: Treadwell's, 33 Store Street, Bloomsbury, London WC1E 7BS. Time: 7.30pm - 9pm. Tickets £15. Advance booking required. Call 0207 419 8507. For further details:
Wednesday 24 June; Free Outdoor Event - Guided Meditation and Picnic Social with Himesh and the London Spirituality Meetup Group in Regents Park. Meet at Regents Park tube at 6.40pm to walk to St Johns Lodge. Free event but bring a picnic and something to sit on. Details:
Thursday 25 June; The Magical Tools In The Four Worlds - The Wand, the Sword, the Cup and the Platter. Lecture by Dolores Ashcroft-Nowicki. Venue: The Atlantis Bookshop, 49a Museum Street, London WC1A 1LY. Time: 7pm. Tickets: £10. You must reserve a place in advance by calling 020 7405 2120.
Thursday 25 June; How UFOs Conquered The World. Talk by Dr David Clarke at the London Fortean Society. Venue: The Vaults Bar, Dirty Dicks, 202 Bishopsgate, City of London EC2M 4NR. TIme: 8pm (doors 7.30pm). Tickets: £4 / £2 concessions.
Friday 26 June; The 12 Type Enneagram. Talk and book signing by Matthew Campling at Watkins Books, 19-21 Cecil Court, London WC2N 4EZ. Time: 6.30pm. Free event. For more details Tel 020 7836 2182 or visit the website
Friday 26 June; Sunset Gathering in Battersea Park with Meditation for Inspirational Healing with the London Spirituality Meet-up Group. We will meet at Battersea train station at 6.45pm for a walk to the park. Event ends 11pm. For more details and to reserve a place visit or
Friday 26 June; Exploring the Higher Dimensional Chakras. Lecture by Judy Hall. Venue: The College of Psychic Studies, 16 Queensberry Place, London SW7 2EB. Time: 7pm-8.30pm. Cost: £10/£12 Advance booking advised. For details call: 020 7589 3292 or visit
Saturday 27 June; Pagan Federation London Annual Conference. Theme is 'Sacred Journey'. Day event with talks, workshops, pagan market and opening and closing rituals. Venue: Leytonstone Business and Enterprise Specialist School, 159 Colworth Rd, London E11 1JD. Starts at 10am.
Saturday 27 June; Enchanting the Name - Learn how to intone, vibrate, and chant Words-of-Power, the Divine Names. A one-day workshop with David Goddard. Venue: The Atlantis Bookshop, 49a Museum Street, London WC1A 1LY. 11am-5pm. £50. You must reserve a place in advance by calling 020 7405 2120 or email
Saturday 27 June; Digital workshop - Ancient Egyptian journey to the afterlife. Venue: Samsung Centre, British Museum, Great Russell Street, London WC1B 3DG. Time: 11am-4pm. Free event, just drop in. For more details visit:
Saturday 27 - Sunday 28 June; Dolores Ashcroft-Nowicki in London: Astral Doorways. A workshop hosted by Lodge Mercurius. Cost: £135, deposit £70. For further information email Maria-Teresa at: or visit
Sunday 28 June; Pagan Pride Parade, organised by the Pagan Federation London at Russell Square Gardens in London. Time: 11.30am. Details:
Sunday 28 June; Introduction to Wicca and Witchcraft. Venue: Shamanic Spirit, New Addington, Croydon, CR0 0AW. Time: 2pm to 7pm. Cost: £40. More details and to book a place:
Sunday 28 June; Sacred Walks and The Kingston Zodiac Adventure - walking the Cancer sign. Meet at Hampton Court train station, London KT8 9AE, at noon. Cost £10/£5, advance booking required:
Sunday 28 June; Poetry and Picnic in the Park (Free Your Heart) with the London Spirituality Meetup Group. Meet outside Lancaster Gate Tube at 1pm for a walk to Hyde Park. Bring a notebook, pen, something to sit on and a picnic. Free outdoor event but you must reserve a place in advance.
Monday 29 June; Tarot Meditation: The Wheel of Fortune, with Marysia Kolodziej. Venue: Treadwells, 33 Store Street, Bloomsbury, London WC1E 7BS. Time: 7.15pm for 7.30pm start. Tickets £10. Advance booking required. Call 0207 419 8507. For further details:
Monday 29 June; The Age of Conscious Evolution – Evolving By Choice, Not By Chance. Talk by Nicolya Christi. Venue: Alternatives. Venue: St James's Church Piccadilly, 197 Piccadilly, London, W1J 9LL. Time: 7pm - 8.30pm. Tickets £12/£8 online. For more details and to book tickets:
Monday 29 June; Light Energy Channelling: Healing and Activation with Aang and Vaz of the London College of Spirituality. Venue: Latvian House, 72 Queensborough Terrace, London, W2 3SH. Time: 7pm. Cost: £33. Details:
Monday 29 June; London Energy Share meet-up. Venue: Friends Meeting House, 52 St Martins Lane London WC2N 4EA. Cost: £10. Time: 7.15pm. To reserve a place:
Tuesday 30 June; Sound Meditation. Venue: Goose Green Clinic, 57 East Dulwich Road, London SE22 9AP. Time: 10.45am. Cost:£12/£10. More information and booking:
Tuesday 30 June; Meditation and Yoga. Free weekly meetings hosted by Ruth, Katka and Galya. Venue: Phoenix Community Centre, 66 Westow Street, Crystal Palace, SE19 3AF. This takes place on Tuesday mornings from 11am - 12pm. Free event, just turn up.
Tuesday 30 June; Chertsey Moot. A social moot held on the last Tuesday of the month at the Golden Grove pub, Ruxbury Road, St Annes Hill, Chertsey, Surrey, KT16 9EN. All welcome. From 8pm to 11pm. For more details, email:
Tuesday 30 June; Gateway to the Heavens.
Tuesday 30 June; Bringing Anthroposophy to the British - What did Rudolf Steiner expect? Talk by Dr Jenny Josephson at Rudolf Steiner House, 35 Park Road, London NW1 6XT. Doors open at 7pm, event from 7.30pm - 9pm. Entry: £3.50 (£1 concessions, students and under 25s).
Tuesday 30 June; Drumming Circle run by Shamanic Spirit at a venue in New Addington, Croydon, South London. Every second Tuesday starting 7.30pm. Cost £10. For more details and to book places call 07952 041477. For more information, visit
Wednesday 1 July; Wicca Full Moon Ritual and Magical work - Jupiter conjunct Venus - run by Wiccan High Priest Mani Navasothy. Part of a monthly training group organised through the London Woodland Witches Wiccans Eco-Magicians Outdoor Pagans. Location is on Wimbledon Common, Parkside, London SW19. Time: 7pm start, ends 10pm. To find out the exact meeting location and to reserve a place, visit
Wednesday 1 July; The Witches' Inn Gathering Beltane Bash. Venue: The Feathers Hotel Merstham in Merstham, Surrey RH1 3EA. Starts at 8pm. Moots are normally on the first Wednesday of each month. For more details and to reserve a place visit:
Thursday 2 July; Myth in Life, When the Dragon Wins. Evening Workshop with Francesco Dimitri. Venue: Treadwell's, 33 Store Street, Bloomsbury, London WC1E 7BS. Time: 7.30pm - 9pm. Tickets £15. Advance booking required. Call 0207 419 8507. For further details:
Friday 3 July; Dark River with London Dreamtime. Venue: a secret location near Bermondsey Tube. Meet at 8.30pm. Tickets £3, booking essential, email For more details, visit
Friday 3 July; Amanda Roberts Presents her Angel and Guide Students. Venue: The College of Psychic Studies, 16 Queensberry Place, London SW7 2EB. Time: 7pm-8.30pm. Cost: £10/£12 Advance booking advised. For details call: 020 7589 3292 or visit
Saturday 4 July; Crop Circle Trip. Talk and visit to a crop circle with Francine Blake, organised by Alternatives. Coach trip from London. Time: 9am - 9pm. Tickets £75 standard. For more details and to book tickets:
Saturday 4 July; Kensal Green Cemetery Open Day including art exhibition in the Dissenters Gallery Catacombs, using video projection that works with the viewer's image, driven by water and sound. Venue: Kensal Green Cemetery, Ladbroke Grove, London W10. Time: 11am to 6pm. For more details visit and
Saturday 4 July; Hendon Heathens Moot, Venue: Greyhound Pub, Church End, Hendon, London, NW4 4JT. Time: 6pm. Hendon Heathens meets at this pub the first Saturday of every month.
If you know of an event that you want listed, please email the details to me at
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