Friday, 4 September 2015

This Week's Pagan Events In and Near London

Here are some of the events in and around London and that could be of interest to pagans over the following week or so.

Now to Sunday 6 September; Power of Poison exhibition. Venue: Old Truman Brewery, Loading Bay, Ely’s Yard, 15 Hanbury Street, London E1 6QR. Tickets: adult: £9, child: £5. Open every day from 10am to 6pm/7pm/8pm. Details:

Friday 4 September; Friday night energy share with London Energy Share Meet-up Group. Venue: Friends Meeting House, 52 St Martins Lane London WC2N 4EA. Time: 7pm (doors open 6.30pm). Full price £10, students/unemployed/low income £5/£7. For more details and to book a place visit:

Saturday, 5 September; Journey into Past Lives. Lecture and Meditation with Sensing Energy and Intuition Development Meetup Group. Venue: Latvian House, 72 Queensborough Terrace, London, W2 3SH. Time: Noon. Tickets: £15. Details and booking:

Saturday, 5 September; Workshop: Kundalini Workshop with Master Chrism and the London College of Spirituality. Venue: The Study Society, 151 Talgarth Road, London, W14 9DA, London. Time: 10am. Price: £75 per person. To order tickets visit:

Saturday, 5 September; Social, Meditation, Crystal Experience and Channelling Taster. Free Outdoor Event with the London Spirituality Meetup Group in Regents Park. Meet at Peter Pan statue in Hyde Park from 1pm. Meditation starts at 2.30pm. Free event but bring water and a picnic and something to sit on. Details and sign-up:

Saturday, 5 September; Hendon Heathens Moot, Venue: Greyhound Pub, Church End, Hendon, London, NW4 4JT. Time: 6pm. Hendon Heathens meets at this pub the first Saturday of every month.

Sunday 6 September; Meditation at Russell Brands Trew Era Cafe, 30 Whitmore Road, London N1 5QA. Starts 10.15am. Free event. Details:

Sunday 6 September; Shamanic Drumming Workshop in a round house around a fire. Venue in Potters Bar - exact location given to those who book. Time: 10.30am for 11am start. Price: £40. More details and booking:

Sunday 6 September; Occult London: Guided Walk with Delianne Forget organised through Treadwell's bookshop. Meet 2pm at a central London tube station - details given after you book. Price: £10. Call 020 7419 8507. For further details:

Sunday 6 September; 100 Poets for Peace: Bishop David Parry and 99 other poets (at least) reciting 3 original poems for global peace in central London. Every background, colour, ideology and outlook is welcome. An anthology will be published of the best works, while Coffee and doughnuts will be shared on the day itself (£5 registration to cover costs). Time: noon. For details or to participate, email

Monday 7 September; London Energy Share meet-up. Venue: Friends Meeting House, 52 St Martins Lane London WC2N 4EA. Cost: £10. Time: 7.15pm. To reserve a place:

Tuesday 8 September; Sound Meditation. Venue: Goose Green Clinic, 57 East Dulwich Road, London SE22 9AP. Time: 10.45am. Cost:£12/£10. More information and booking:

Tuesday 8 September; Authentic Chinese Feng Shui. Lecture by Richard Ashworth. Venue: The College of Psychic Studies, 16 Queensberry Place, London SW7 2EB. Time: 7pm-8.45pm. Cost: £10/£12 Advance booking advised. For details call: 020 7589 3292 or visit

Tuesday 8 September; Drumming Circle run by Shamanic Spirit at a venue in New Addington, Croydon, South London. Every second Tuesday starting 7.30pm. Cost £10. For more details and to book places call 07952 041477. For more information, visit

Tuesday 8 September; Reclaiming Paradise: A Trance Journey with Jane Meredith. Venue: Atlantis Bookshop,49a Museum Street, London WC1A 1LY. Time: 7pm. Cost: £7.50. Details: If you wish to attend contact Bali at The Atlantis Bookshop by calling 020 7405 2120.

Tuesday 8 September; Caitlín Matthews, creator of  The Arthurian Tarot,  will talk about her life as a ritualist, writer and shamanic practitioner at Nova Stellar Wicca Meet-Up Group for genuine seekers to the Craft. Venue is a pub in London, but the location for this event will only be shown to those attending. Door open 7pm, talk starts 8.30pm. You must reserve a place in advance by emailing or via the group website. The group normally meets on the second Tuesday of each month.

Tuesday 8 September; London Fortean Society in association with Conway Hall presents: The Inventor of the Zombie: The life and times of William B Seabrook: pervert, drunk, cannibal, occultist and 'negrophile'. Talk by Roger Luckhurst, author of Zombies: A Cultural History.Venue: Conway Hall, 25 Red Lion Square, London WC1R 4RL. Tickets: £5. Time: 7.30pm.

Thursday 10 September; Circle of Eight: Creating Magic for Your Place on Earth.Book signing and talk by Jane Meredith at Watkins Books, 19-21 Cecil Court, London WC2N 4EZ. Time: 6.30pm. Free event. For more details Tel 020 7836 2182 or visit the website

Thursday 10 September; The Goddess Holda In Folklore, Music, Mythology and Greenwich Park. Talk by Jack Gale, author of Guardians, Goddesses and Groves: Awakening the Spirit of the Land.Venue: South East London Folklore Society (SELFS). Venue: The Old King's Head, Kings Head Yard, 45-49 Borough High St, London SE1 1NA. Entry: £2.50 / £1.50 concessions. Meetings are normally the second Thursday of each month. To guarantee a seat, email

Thursday 10 September; Enfield Town Circle Pagan Moot. Venue: Crown and Horseshoes pub, 15 Horseshoe Lane, Enfield, Middlesex EN2 6PZ. Time: 7pm to 11pm. This moot takes place on the 2nd Thursday of every month. For more details join the Facebook group:

Friday 11 September; Yoga and Gong - Vauxhall Yoga and Sound Meditation. Venue: Bonnington Centre, 11 Vauxhall Grove, London SW8 1TD. Time: 7pm. Entry: £15.

Friday 11 September; The Science of Magic: Why does magic work? Insights into the illusions of the mind. Talk by Gustav Khun at Greenwich Skeptics in the Pub. Veue: The Star and Garter, 60 Old Woolwich Road, Greenwich, London SE10 9NY. Time: 7.30pm.

11-13 September, Goldsmiths, University of London, hosting the 16th annual European Skeptics Congress – a gathering of people from all walks of life who promote rational thinking and enquiry, and engage in debate on pseudoscience, religion, and the paranormal. Tickets: £135 for entire event, £90 for Saturday and Sunday. Full details here:

Saturday 12 September; London Folk Festival at Cecil Sharp House, London NW1 7AY. Tickets: £30. Day event.

Saturday 12 September; Spiritual Journey Through Sound at Caer Corhain Shamamic Development Centre of the Isle of Sheppey, 1 Southleas farm cottages, Lower Road, Minster, Sheppey ME12 3SW. Time: 7.30pm. Cost £10. For more details and information on how to book, call 07885682295 or 01795 874542, email or visit;

Saturday 12 September; Nourishing Herbal Infusions Workshop with Jacqui Apostolides, naturopathic herbalist with Urban Herbals. Venue: The Upminster Sanctuary. Time: 10am-1pm. Cost £25. Advance booking and payment essential. Email or visit

Sunday 13 September; Meditation at Russell Brands Trew Era Cafe, 30 Whitmore Road, London N1 5QA. Starts 10.15am. Free event. Details:

If you know of an event that you want listed, please email the details to me at

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