Saturday, 31 October 2015

News: Witches, Wizards, Halloween and Me

Because it is Halloween, newspaper and news website have been absolutely full of stories and witches, wizards and the supernatural. Some are good, some are dreadful. Here is a selection of those I enjoyed reading:

"The real Dumbledore – here’s what magic a wizard gets up to on Halloween" - story at the Metro:

"Something Wicca this way comes: Witchfest 2015 returns to Croydon for magic day of enchantment" - story at SWLondoner:

"The Forgotten Egyptologist and First Wave Feminist Who Invented Wicca" - story at Broadly:

"Are You a Good Witch or a Bad Witch: Our Interview With a Real-Life Witch and Shaman" - story at the gloss:

"7 Last Minute Witch Makeup Tutorials For Halloween That You Can Do At Home" - videos at Bustle:

"Petition to pardon Essex 'witch' 370 years after her execution" - story at ITV news:

"We Spoke to the High Priestess of the Kitchen Witch Coven About Cake" - story at Munchies:

And last but not least, another look at the interview Metro conducted with me: "This is what a witch gets up to over Halloween" at

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