Saturday, 16 January 2016

News: Bowie, Occult, Witchcraft, Salem, Jedis, Druids,

"The Occult Universe of David Bowie and the Meaning of “Blackstar”" - story at The Vigilant Citizen:

"Jedis lose to Druids when it comes to charitable status" - story at Spear's:

"Monument planned for suspected site of Salem witch hangings" -story at Reuters:

"Salem Repents For Witch-Trials" - Story at NewHistorian:


Alan C-B said...

It might be worth mentioning that "Blackstar" is available on Spotify.

Badwitch said...

Yes, thanks indeed for mentioning that.

Marjoriet said...

Gostaria que colocasse o link para traduzir a página para português, gosto da religião e preciso conhecer mais, obrigada desde já.

Marjoriet said...

Gostaria que colocasse o link para traduzir a página para português, gosto da religião e preciso conhecer mais, obrigada desde já.