"The Occult Universe of David Bowie and the Meaning of “Blackstar”" - story at The Vigilant Citizen: http://vigilantcitizen.com/musicbusiness/occult-universe-david-bowie-meaning-blackstar/
"Jedis lose to Druids when it comes to charitable status" - story at Spear's: http://www.spearswms.com/blog/jedis-lose-to-druids-when-it-comes-to-charitable-status/#.VpoBkNSLSW9
"Monument planned for suspected site of Salem witch hangings" -story at Reuters: http://www.reuters.com/article/us-massachusetts-witch-idUSKCN0US01T20160114
"Salem Repents For Witch-Trials" - Story at NewHistorian: http://www.newhistorian.com/salem-repents-for-witch-trials/5766/
It might be worth mentioning that "Blackstar" is available on Spotify.
Yes, thanks indeed for mentioning that.
Gostaria que colocasse o link para traduzir a página para português, gosto da religião e preciso conhecer mais, obrigada desde já.
Gostaria que colocasse o link para traduzir a página para português, gosto da religião e preciso conhecer mais, obrigada desde já.
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