Monday, 25 April 2016

News: Beltane, Festivals, Doreen Valiente, Witchcraft

"Beltane: Britain's ancient festival is making a comeback" - story at The Telegraph with a list of Beltane festivals and events you can attend all over the UK:

"Did you know about this historic site? Beltane festival reveals a North historic gem few know about" - story at ChronicleLive:

"May Day Beltane celebrations in Glastonbury set to be bigger and wilder" - story at Central Somerset Gazette:

"The magic and lore of Edinburgh’s Beltane Fire Festival" - story at The Scotsman:

"Witch who brought Wicca out of the shadows" - story about Doreen Valiente at The Times on its subscription news channel. The story is also in today's printed edition of The Times:

"Left to die: Tales of woe from Nigerian children branded 'witches'" - story at The Punch:

The photo is copyright Joolz Darling and is used with permission. Please do not download it or copy it without permission. It was previously used here:

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