Saturday, 14 May 2016

Event: London Alchemy, Graves and Theremins

The people who run London Month of the Dead are staging a weekend devoted to alchemy in Brompton Cemetery chapel for June 4th and 5th. There are a series of talks and other events taking place with historians, folklorists and storytellers on the themes of magic and transformation. Each ticket includes a 20% donation for the cemetery and a Hendrick's Gin cocktail. Here is the press release I was sent about London Alchemy:
Following their annual London Month of the Dead celebration, the spirits of London magical characters John Dee, Francis Barrett, Aleister Crowley and Austin Osman Spare (along with their Swiss cousins Paracelsus and Jung) will be evoked by historians, folklorists and practitioners over a weekend in one of the city’s most magnificent seven cemeteries.
Thrill to the music of ‘alchemist of sound’ Lydia Kavina (possibly the world’s greatest theremin player) and to tales of transformation performed by Giles Abbot (one of our greatest story tellers) in the candlelit cemetery chapel. And benefit Dead Londoners while you do it: each ticket includes a 20% donation toward a host of renovation projects as part of the Heritage Lottery Fund appeal for this most precious of London places.
And to help distill your own alchemical spirit, each ticket also includes an bespoke Hendrick’s Gin cocktail.
The London Alchemy weekend comprises six themed events on 4th and 5th June, which you can book for individually. Here is a brief list:

THE LONDON MAGE - John Dee and Francis Barrett
A salon in the cemetery with Glyn Parry and Mark Pilkington
Saturday 4th June from 1:00 to 3:00 pm
Tickets £12 including a Hendrick’s Gin Cocktail.

SECRETS AND WISDOM OF THE SORCERERS - Spell Books, Scryers and the Philosopher’s Stone
A salon in the cemetery with Owen Davies & George Hoyle
Saturday 4th June from 3:00 to 5:00 pm
Tickets £12 including a Hendrick’s Gin Cocktail.

GHOST IN THE MACHINE - Muscical Performance
A Candlelit Theremin Concert with Lydia Kavina and pianist, Thomas Ang
Saturday 4th June from 7:00 pm
Tickets £15 including a Hendrick’s Gin Cocktail.

MIRROR OF THE SOUL - The Tarot Decks of Aleister Crowley and Austin Osman Spare
A salon in the cemetery with Danny Nemu & Jonathan Allen
Sunday 5th June from 1:00 to 3:00 pm
Tickets £12 including a Hendrick’s Gin Cocktail.

ALCHEMY OF THE PSYCHE - Paracelsus and Jung
A salon in the cemetery with Philip Ball and Sonu Shamdasami
Sunday 5th June from 3:00 to 5:00 pm
Tickets £12 including a Hendrick’s Gin Cocktail.

TALES OF TRANSFORMATION - Faust and the Sorcerer’s Apprentice
Candlelit Story Telling in the cemetery with Giles Abbott - the UK’s only professional blind storyteller
Sunday 5th June from 7:00 pm
Tickets £10 including a Hendrick’s Gin Cocktail.

To find out more visit the website:

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