When asked what factors caused their crisis, a lack of career fulfilment and unfulfilled dreams topped the list. To combat this, 39% said embarking on a new career would help solve their issues and 24% said learning something new would have the same effect.
While more than two thirds of those surveyed wished they spent more time pursuing their personal passions, 27% didn't think they had time to do so, with long hours of work and social pressures swallowing up free time. One in ten of those surveyed said they do not have any personal passions or interests outside of their career. However, 41% said that taking up a new interest or hobby would help address their problems.
To help people restore their personal balance, The Open University is urging people to discover their "Passion Plan" and realise their unfulfilled ambitions. It is encouraging people to explore their interests by learning something new or pursuing further study in order to address the issues associated with their life crises. Being a university, I guess that isn't too surprising, but it could still be good advice.

Personally, I did go through a time of questioning what I wanted to do next with my life after my book Pagan Portals - Candle Magic was published earlier this year. I'm not sure I'd quite call it a "life crisis", but it was probably something along those lines.
After going to an afternoon of lectures on witch hunts at Queen Mary University of London, I was also very tempted to have a career change and apply for a place to do an MA - and I might still do so, although not this year. This year I decided that what I really wanted to do was write another book. I've put in a proposal to publisher Moon Books and am now waiting to hear back. Wish me luck!
The picture shows me at my book launch party
Links and previous related posts
Good luck!! May the Gods bless your proposal :)
Thank you!
I definitely know what you mean. It's so hard to know what you want to do with your life. I've started doing so many online courses that I've hit paralysis because I have so many things to do and I don't know where to start! It can be a tricky business.
Yes, taking on too much can be a problem too. I agree.
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