Tuesday, 28 June 2016

Review: Notes from the Universe on Abundance

Notes from the Universe on Abundance is a very pretty new set of cards with inspirational messages on one side and beautiful images of landscapes, trees and flowers on the other. They are so easy to use, the instructions just come on one card:
"Choose one at random each morning or whenever you are in need of insight, direction or solace. Frame them, carry them with you, or send them out into the world hidden in lunchboxes, briefcases, and purses."
Apparently the idea for the notes started in 1998 as an email sent out weekly to 38 people by Mike Dooley, although supposedly written by "The Universe" to remind us that we are loved and that all things are possible.

One of my favourite sayings from the deck is: "Every fortune, gold medal, and trophy... Every comeback, triumph, and celebration... And every kiss, hug, and hand held... Was first a thought, a whisper, or a dream."

Publisher Hay House says about Notes from the Universe on Abundance:
"The 60 cards in this beautifully illustrated deck give Mike Dooley's fans a new way to experience his signature Notes from the Universe: quirky, funny messages that remind readers to love their lives and trust their dreams. Based on Mike's essential credo that 'thoughts become things' and we can choose the thoughts we want to realize, these cards are loving reminders that we're responsible for our own happiness - and that it's already within reach."
I should point out that the pictures don't necessarily relate to the message on the reverse. I think the scenes are intended just to remind you how beautiful the world can be and to cheer you up if you are feeling a bit down - but sometimes we all need that.

The deck is officially published today, 28 June, but I was lucky enough to be sent a copy just before the Summer Solstice and I took it away with me on my summer road trip to Stonehenge and Glastonbury Festival. As I return home from my amazing holiday, back to face the problems of reality, seeing pictures of beautiful landscapes and reading an uplifting message or two is helping keep a smile on my face.

Mike Dooley's Facebook page can be found here: https://www.facebook.com/mikedooley/

Links and previous related posts
Notes from the Universe on Abundance

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