Friday, 30 June 2017

Not Much of a Blog Today, Just a Cat Picture

Sorry, not much of a blog post today. I was up all night with toothache - and there is a cat on my computer. Well, that's my excuse anyway.


Anonymous said...

Sorry to hear about your tooth, but love the pic.


CJ said...

Hope toothache better! Lovely cat x

Unknown said...

I literally feel your pain! was all night with a toothache too. Hoping you feel better soon.

Badwitch said...

Thanks everyone! I've got strong painkillers and an appointment at the dentist next week.

Bridget - hope you are feeling better too!

Unknown said...

Thank you Badwitch. No good painkillers or dentist appointment for this witch. My face is so swollen I can barely open my mouth. lol. Hope your dentist appointment is mostly painless.

Badwitch said...

Poor you! Hugs! I'm going to be blogging more about tooth pain later today.