"Dad snaps face of witch hanged in 1647 who 'whispered to him through haunted tree'" - story at The Mirror: http://www.mirror.co.uk/news/uk-news/dad-snaps-face-witch-hanged-11770435
"Tragic tale of mother burned as a witch" - story at East Lothian Courier: http://www.eastlothiancourier.com/news/15796095.Tragic_tale_of_mother_burned_as_a_witch/
"Wood Henge Discovered in Northern England" - story at Archaeology: https://www.archaeology.org/news/6245-180102-england-wood-henge
"The Victorian Occultist Accused of Killing Men With Her Mind" - story about Anna Kingsford at Broadly: https://broadly.vice.com/en_us/article/mbp7pb/the-victorian-occultist-accused-of-killing-men-with-her-mind
"When should you take Christmas decorations down and when is Twelfth Night" - story at Mirror.co.uk: http://www.mirror.co.uk/news/world-news/when-to-take-christmas-decorations-11768292?
I often wonder who, in history, I should like to meet and come up with no answer ... that is, until now! I think Anna Kingsford is my heroine and I now feel I should and want to research her as much as possible.
Yes, I agree - I would love to learn more about her too.
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