Monday, 27 August 2018

Magical Dolls: How to Make a Knotted Wool Poppet

Poppets are magical dolls that you can create to to give you a little magical help with all kinds of things. You can make them out of all sorts for things, but one of the easiest methods is to use knotted wool or string. The are sometimes called yarn dolls.

You can see an example of one in the bottom left of picture, next to my book on the subject of poppets and magical dolls.

Here's how to make one:

You need
Wool or string (You can choose a colour that matches the intention of your spell or just use white wool)

Cut an oblong of stiff cardboard the same height as you want your poppet to be. Loop the wool or string around the cardboard. You will need about 50 loops for a small doll.

Slide a piece of wool between the loops and the cardboard and push it up to the top, then tie it in a tight knot to mark the top of the head. Slide the wool loops off the cardboard, then tie a length of wool in a tight knot around the neck.

Pull a few loops sideways to form the arms. Tie a strand tightly around the middle of the poppet to form a waist and others where you want the wrists. Cut the loops to form hands. You can leave the bottom of the doll as a skirt or you can separate the loops into legs and tie at the ankles. Finally trim loose ends.

To enchant your doll, pick it up in your hands, name it and charge it with its intended purpose. An example could be: "I name you Fortune, and charge you to bring me good luck when I need it."  Finally blow a puff of air onto your doll, to symbolise bringing your poppet to magical life.

My book Pagan Portals - Poppets and Magical Dolls, published by Moon Books, is officially launched this Friday, August 31.

On September 8 I will be reading from it and signing copies at Wicca Moon, 50 Well Hall Road, London SE9 6SH at 2pm. For further details contact, call 0208 850 7803 or visit

I will also be running a short workshop on poppets and signing copies of my books at the Henge Shop, Avebury, on Saturday 27 October as part of its Halloween Paranormal Weekend.

You can buy copies of the book at Wicca Moon. You can also view Pagan Portals - Poppets and Magical Dolls on Amazon and order it from Treadwell's. (Please note I earn commission from some links)

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