Tuesday, 28 January 2020

Another Chance to Hear Me on Pure Paranormal Radio

A week ago I was interviewed live on the Pure Paranormal Radio Show, hosted by Tom Warrington and Barry Frankish. If you missed it last Tuesday evening, you can listen to a recording here: https://www.mixcloud.com/tomo-warrington/the-pure-paranormal-radio-show-with-special-guest-lucya-starza/

I was nervous before the start of the interview, as the show lasts an hour and I wasn't sure I'd find enough to talk about. As it happened, the hour seemed to go by really quickly. Tom and Barry are lovely interviewers. They put me at ease and asked me plenty of questions that were - mostly - easy to answer. Coming from a paranormal investigation background, rather than a pagan or magical tradition, they wanted to know about the basics of modern pagan witchcraft, and about my life experiences and the books I've written on candle magic, poppets and other esoteric subjects.

There's another Pure Paranormal Radio Show this evening and tonight's guest will be horror writer Jenny Ashford, from Florida. The programme starts at 7pm and you can find it here: https://www.pulsetalkradio.com/

The photo shows me at a book signing session at The Henge Shop in Avebury

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