Friday, 24 January 2020

My Newest Book: Pagan Portals Guided Visualisations

Here's an announcement I am so excited about making - my next book, Pagan Portals: Guided Visualisations, will be published this year.

I finished writing it a couple of months ago and it has been going through editing and having the cover designed. Just this week I got a message from my publisher, Moon Books, that it will reach shops at the end of this year. The official publication date is 11 December 2020, but I expect copies will be in specialist bookshops, including Treadwell's, a bit before that and I will be arranging signing events.

You can see what the front cover looks like in the picture to the right. The description on the back cover says:
The journeys in this book are all ones using the mind – guided visualisations of doorways to go through, paths to follow, places to explore and encounters to experience. Guided visualisations use an interactive story to help people know themselves better, find solutions to problems and get ideas for creative projects. They can also be used as a well-being tool using relaxation techniques. Many guided visualisations also have spiritual aspects. Within this book are visualisations created for those on the paths of paganism, witchcraft and earth-based spirituality. They were written to follow the Wheel of the Year, embrace the power of the moon and the elements, and develop magical wisdom. Through the pages of this book you will be guided to amazing places. It will be an adventure...
I will let you know when I have more news, including dates of events and when copies can be pre-ordered.

You can see the details of my earlier books, including Pagan Portals - Candle Magic and Pagan Portals - Poppets and Magical Dolls on my author page at Moon Books.

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