The Pagan Federation is offering regular talks, chats and rituals via its Facebook page: https://www.facebook.com/groups/paganfed/. Every Monday evening new online content it added and there are also regular PF online blessing videos. Here is A Prayer for Healing: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=l8_QPNggvWs and https://www.facebook.com/groups/PFDisabilitiesSupport/
Free online resources from Hay House including podcasts, videos and ebooks on mind, body, spirit subjects: https://www.discover.hayhouse.com/freeresources/
Every day: Free daily online guided meditation with the Mindfulness Association. Time: 7pm. Join here: Https://zoom.us/j/606060739
Daily: The Children of Circe Facebook Group is showing videos of talks most days, but recordings remain on the Facebook page so you can watch them later. Here are the next: Wednesday 29 April, Magic in the Sheets, 8pm. Thursday 30 April, Magic in the Sheets, 8pm. Friday 1 May, Beltane Ritual, 8pm. Monday 11 May, Magic in the Home, 8pm. Children of Circe is a private pagan group run by Richard Levy and sponsored by the Doreen Valiente Foundation. You have to join the group to watch the videos: https://www.facebook.com/groups/725752541262809/
Wicca Moon is running online courses in tarot (£5.99 per lesson), Reiki (four sessions, £80 total cost) and psychic development (1 hour per evening over 3 evenings at £17.97 total). Details on the Facebook page: https://www.facebook.com/WiccaMoonEltham/
Wednesday 29 April; Children of Artemis Coffee Morning via social media, in your own home. Time: 11am. Free event. https://www.facebook.com/events/178041156650844/
Wednesday 29 April; Attune to the Moon Sound Journey. Digital event organised by She's Lost Control. Pay what you can sessions (£1-£15). Time: 7pm. https://www.sheslostcontrol.co.uk/digital
Wednesday 29 April; April Hertford Moot and 10th Anniversary. Time: 8pm. Free. Via Zoom https://zoom.us/j/96237405177 meeting ID: 962 3740 5177. Details: https://www.facebook.com/events/660113298099774/
Wednesday 29 April; Magic Month of May - Free energy forecast webinar with Goddess Awakening. Time: 8pm. Free event. Link to sign up: https://event.webinarjam.com/register/11/24pgvcw
Thursday 30 April; The Moon Made Me Do It - Lunar Flow. Digital event organised by She's Lost Control. Pay what you can sessions (£1-£15). Time: 7pm. https://www.sheslostcontrol.co.uk/digital
Thursday 30 April; Children of Artemis Online Moot Book Club via social media, in your own home. A chance to discuss your favourite books. Time: 7.20pm. Free event. https://www.facebook.com/events/681684045924538/
Thursday 30 April; Goddess Temple Beltane Ceremony (Online): Nolava the Lover hosted by Glastonbury Goddess Temple. Time: 7.30pm. Tickets: £3. https://www.eventbrite.co.uk/e/goddess-temple-beltane-ceremony-online-nolava-the-lover-tickets-102792366736?
Thursday 30 April; The Teachings of Bjarka: Birch Tree – Healer – “Allmother” – Love Magic Counsellor, by Imelda Almqvist, in partnership with Christian Thurow. Zoom talk. Time: 8pm. Tickets: £25. https://www.tickettailor.com/events/surbitonshamaniccircle/368436?
Thursday 30 April; Sleepy Sounds Session - to help you sleep. Time: 9.30pm. Tickets £5/£0. https://www.heronmoon.co.uk/event-details/sleepy-sound-sessions-11

Friday 1 May: May Day Ritual in your own home: https://www.mookychick.co.uk/health/witchcraft-spirituality/may-day-magic-ritual-event.php?
Friday 1 May; Bealtaine Video Ceremony hosted by Solas an Iarthair from Ireland. Online. 11am. https://www.facebook.com/events/262692248453611/
Friday 1 May; Echo and Narcissus for Leighton House (online). with George and Vanessa of London Dreamtime. Price: free. This will be available across the Leighton House Social Media https://www.instagram.com/leightonhousemuseum/ and https://www.facebook.com/LeightonHouse Details: https://www.londondreamtime.com/calendar/
Friday 1 May; Astrology Circle - Making Sense of our Time. Digital event organised by She's Lost Control. Pay what you can sessions (£5-£20). Time: 7pm. https://www.sheslostcontrol.co.uk/digital
Friday 1 May; Children of Circe: Beltane Ritual. Time: 8pm. Free. https://www.facebook.com/events/344059889886805/
Friday 1 May - Saturday 2 May; Aphrodite's Flame Beltane/Samhain Festival. Join Aphrodite's Flame Keepers to tend a flame from dusk to dusk. Venue: Worldlwide. Time: 8pm to 8pm. Details: https://www.facebook.com/aphroditesflame/
Friday 1 May - Monday 4 May; Online Into the Wild Beltane Fire Festival: https://www.facebook.com/groups/in2wildonlinefestival/
Saturday 2 May; Healing Meditation. Digital event organised by She's Lost Control. Pay what you can sessions (£1-£15). Time: noon. https://www.sheslostcontrol.co.uk/digital
Saturday 2 May; Kevin Groves: Kemetic Storytelling, part of Witchfest Online organised by Children of Artemis. Time: 4pm. Free event. For more details and links visit: https://witchcraft.org/witchfest-online/
Sunday 3 May; London Woodland Witches, Wiccans and Pagans online Beltane rite 2020. Time: 2pm. Via Zoom. Details: https://www.meetup.com/LondonWoodlandWitches/
Sunday 3 May; Tales of High and Low Magic. Online music and storytelling with George and Vanessa of London Dreamtime. Time: 2.30pm. It is a live event, will be filmed and available to watch for a month after the event. Price: £2.50 by online payment (contact Vanessa for concession details). Email vanessa@londondreamtime.com with the name of the event and your phone number if you want to attend. Details: https://www.londondreamtime.com/calendar/
Sunday 3 May; Free Guided meditation and Reiki with Hermes Healing. Free event. Time: 4pm. https://www.facebook.com/events/2029100907227536/
Sunday 3 May; Graven Image - The Crafting and Manipulation of Effigies in British Witchcraft: Part of online lecture series with Martin Duffy on effigies hosted by Books, Beans, and Candles MS, USA. Time: Noon CDT, which should be 6pm British Summer Time. Tickets: $25 https://www.eventbrite.com/e/lecture-series-with-martin-duffy-on-effigies-tickets-103007500206?
Sunday 3 May; Dream Sharing Circle. Digital event organised by She's Lost Control. Pay what you can sessions (£11+). Time: 6pm. https://www.sheslostcontrol.co.uk/digital
Monday 4 May; Child Friendly Online Meditation and Sound Bath Session for Stress and Anxiety hosted by Uumbal Holistic. (Every Monday, until June 1) Time: 10am, but the session can be accessed for a week. Tickets: £10. https://www.eventbrite.co.uk/e/online-meditation-sound-bath-for-stress-anxiety-child-friendlyrecurrent-tickets-100112992656?
Monday 4 May; Heathen - Northern Spirituality Introduced via Treadwell's Online. Via Zoom. Time: 7pm start. Tickets: £10. https://www.treadwells-london.com/events
Monday 4 May; Witchcraft with Venus, with Rebecca Beattie, author of Nature Mystics, via Treadwell's Online. Via Zoom. Time: 7pm start. Tickets: £10. https://www.treadwells-london.com/events
Monday 4 May; The Saga of Branwen Podcasts with the Centre For Pagan Studies. Time: 8pm. https://www.facebook.com/events/659030621595301/
Tuesday 5 May; Intuition Masterclass. Digital event organised by She's Lost Control. Pay what you can sessions (£20+). Time: 7pm. https://www.sheslostcontrol.co.uk/digital
Tuesday 5 May and 12 May; Hypnosis and Trance For Magical Practice. Two-part workshop via Treadwell's Online. Via Zoom. Time: 7pm start. Tickets: £40. https://www.treadwells-london.com/events
Wednesday 6 May; Angel Mediumship Webinar with Edwin Courtenay through the College of Psychic Studies.. Time: 7pm. Tickets: Members: £14, Non-members: £18. https://www.collegeofpsychicstudies.co.uk/
Wednesday 6 May; Full Moon Sound Journey. Digital event organised by She's Lost Control. Pay what you can sessions (£1-£15). Time: 7pm. https://www.sheslostcontrol.co.uk/digital
Thursday 7 May; Full Moon Event with Peace Fires. Light a candle or fire for peace wherever you are in the world, for just for 10 minutes or an hour or longer and state the intention: “Let there be peace on earth and love for one another.” Details: http://peacefires.org/
Thursday 7 May; Online Full Moon Ceremony, organised through Funzig. Time: 4.30pm-5.45pm. Tickets £6. https://uk.funzing.com/funz/online-full-moon-ceremony-11769?
Thursday 7 May; Full Moon Circle. Digital event organised by She's Lost Control. Pay what you can sessions (£5-£20). Time: 7pm. https://www.sheslostcontrol.co.uk/digital
Thursday 7 May; Children of Artemis May Esbat via social media, in your own home. Time: 9pm. Free event. https://www.facebook.com/events/605258483718459/
Please note: I do not organise any of these events and am not responsible for their content.
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