Daily: The Children of Circe Facebook Group is showing videos of talks every day, some are live and some are recorded and uploaded before the times stated. The recordings remain on the Facebook page. I've recorded videos about poppets, candle magic, the Goddess Eris, and a guided visualisation, which you can still find there. Here are the next few going live: Thursday 9 April, Trance Prophecy, 4.30pm. Friday 10 April, Making Magic out of the Mundane, 2pm. Saturday 11 April, Datura (herbal series), 3pm. Sunday 12 April, Dandelion (herbal series), 3pm; Social, 6pm. Monday 13 April, Incense, 3pm. Tuesday 14 April, Mary (goddess series), 6pm; Hekate (goddess series), 8pm. Children of Circe is a private pagan group run by David Levy and sponsored by the Doreen Valiente Foundation. You have to join the group to watch the videos, but you can find it by searching on Facebook and then apply to join: https://www.facebook.com/groups/725752541262809/

The Pagan Federation is offering regular talks, chats and rituals via its Facebook page: https://www.facebook.com/groups/paganfed/. There is also a weekly PF online blessing video. The latest is Walking a Pagan Path with Jenny Cartledge: https://youtu.be/_GUEljYjmtc and https://www.facebook.com/groups/PFDisabilitiesSupport/
Free online resources from Hay House including podcasts, videos and ebooks on mind, body, spirit subjects: https://www.discover.hayhouse.com/freeresources/
Every day: Free daily online guided meditation with the Mindfulness Association. Time: 7pm. Join here: Https://zoom.us/j/606060739
Broadcast 25 March but still available: Bristol History Podcast: Witches and Witchcraft in the West Country by Tom Brothwell, Free to download. https://thebristolcable.org/2020/03/bristol-history-podcast-witches-and-witchcraft-in-the-west-country/?
https://us04web.zoom.us/j/186738976. Meeting ID: 186 738 976. Free event.
Wednesday 8 April; Sound Journey for the Full Moon, and Full Moon Circle. Digital events organised by She's Lost Control. Pay what you can session from £1. Time: 7pm. https://www.sheslostcontrol.co.uk/digital
Wednesday 8 April; First session of three lessons in tarot with Shirlee of Wicca Moon, via live YouTube link. Time: 8pm. Cost: £5.99 per session, via Paypal. You will need your own tarot deck, any kind will do. Details: https://www.facebook.com/WiccaMoonEltham/
Thursday 9 April; John Dee 101. Online talk by George Nigel Hoyle and South East London Folklore Society. Time: 8pm. Free, but donation welcome via Paypal. This will be uploaded to YouTube, get the link by emailing cunningfolkmusic@gmail.com More details: https://www.facebook.com/events/242226520293737/
Friday 10 April; Shakti Yoga, Meditation and Chanting. Online event with Dancing the Goddess. Time: 9am. Tickets: £10 (or what you can afford). https://www.meetup.com/Dancing-the-Goddess/
Friday 10 April; Friday Night Soul Journeys. Digital event organised by She's Lost Control. Pay what you can sessions (£5-£20). Time: 6pm. https://www.sheslostcontrol.co.uk/digital
Friday 10 April and Saturday 11 April; The Last Dragons - Online storytelling with Jason Buck Storyteller. Time: 6.30pm. Tickets: £1-£5. https://www.eventbrite.co.uk/e/the-last-dragons-parts-1-and-2-online-storytelling-tickets-101933283194?
Friday 10 April; Inner Peace Meditation with William Bloom, organised through Watkins Bookshop. 8pm. www.youtube.com/watkinsbooks
Saturday 11 - Sunday 12 April; Online Mind Body Spirit Festival. Time: 10am-5pm each day. Free. https://www.facebook.com/groups/joinonlineevents/
Saturday 11 April; Rachel Patterson: Magical Herbs and Food, part of Witchfest Online organised by Children of Artemis. Time: 4pm. Free event. For more details and link to Facebook page: https://witchcraft.org/witchfest-online/
Saturday 11 April; Spirit of the Forest Online Zoom Gathering/Collaboration Concert. Time: 6.30pm. Free and open to anyone. https://us04web.zoom.us/j/4656074303
Saturday 11 April; Four-Week Shamanic Mentorship. Time: 7pm. Free event, but you must book a place in advance. https://www.meetup.com/London-Shamanic-Journeying-Circle/
Monday 13 April; Child Friendly Online Meditation and Sound Bath Session for Stress and Anxiety hosted by Uumbal Holistic. (Every Monday, until June 1) Time: 10am, but the session can be accessed for a week. Tickets: £10. https://www.eventbrite.co.uk/e/online-meditation-sound-bath-for-stress-anxiety-child-friendlyrecurrent-tickets-100112992656?
Monday 13 April; Healing Meditation with Sushma, organised by She's Lost Control. Pay what you can session, from £1. Time: noon. https://www.sheslostcontrol.co.uk/digital
Tuesday 14 April. Learn to read the Tarot with Nicky Phoenix, via Zoom. Six week tarot reading course via Zoom. This course started a couple of weeks ago, but you can still join in at £10 per session / £5 for unwaged. Time: 7pm - 8.30pm. https://www.facebook.com/events/219966642409945/
Thursday 16 April; Crystal Masterclass, organised by She's Lost Control. Pay what you can session (£20-£30). Time: 7pm. https://www.sheslostcontrol.co.uk/digital
Disclaimer: Please note that I am not responsible for the content of any of these events except my video talks with Children of Circe. Where a practitioner is offering information about magical protection, this is *not* medical advice.
1 comment:
Thanks for taking the time to put together a really useful list :)
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