Sunday, 28 February 2021

My Talks on Magic for the Month and at Moon Con 21

Friday 5 March at 4pm: Magic for the Month: March. 

Join me this coming Friday for free a Facebook Live event on Magic for the Month: March, when I'll be talking about ways to tap into the energy of the third month of the year. I'll be talking about the folklore of seasonal dolls, a spell for the month, a little about magical spring cleaning, and a guided visualisation for the equinox, among other things.

I'll be going live at 4pm, although the video will stay on Facebook so you can watch it later. It will be completely free and you can find it here:

I'll also put it up on my YouTube channel after the event.

This year one of my resolutions was to start a series of Facebook Live events on magic for each month. In January, I talked about setting intentions, a spell to help you keep them, and offered a guided visualisation called The Winter Garden. You can find the link to the video and the words for the visualisation here.  In February I talked about festivals, a candle magic spell for springtime wishes, some crafting, and a guided vlsualisation. You can find the link to the video here.

Saturday 5 June at 3pm: I'm talking at Moon Con 21

Moon Con 21 is a new online conference organised by my publisher, Moon Books. It is two days of online talks, panels and Q/A live sessions with a whole host of Moon Books authors. I will be giving a talk at 3pm on 5 June. The event is free to attend and you can find the details here:

You can find out more about my books Pagan Portals - Candle Magic, Pagan Portals - Poppets and Magical Dolls and Every Day Magic on my author page at publisher Moon Books' website or at my Amazon author page or at Treadwell's bookshop in London.


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