Thursday, 25 March 2021

Magickal Books: Hekate: Temple of the Bones

I thought I'd give a heads-up about a brilliant new book about Hekate that's coming out this spring. It's called Hekate: Temple of the Bones - Rituals to the Goddess, by Jennifer Teixeira, a witch and high priestess who's been running a group dedicated to Hekate for many years. Here is what it says about the book on publisher Moon Books' website.

"The Temple of the Bones is a gathering of witches, priest/ess/xes, and pagans under the dark of the moon to honor Hekate through public ritual. This book contains information on witching herbs, daily practices, moon magic and how the Temple seeks to strengthen community through the honoring of the dead. As they are, soon we shall be and their message often is to not waste your precious time on the things that do not serve your highest purpose. The Temple of the Bones encourages you to look into your own power. What wants to be brought to the surface? Are you using your strengths, or are you feeding your weakness? How are you creating magic in your own life with the wisdom of your bones?"

I got the chance to read the book before it was published and invited to write an endorsement, which I gladly did. Here's what I wrote:

Hekate: Temple of the Bones - Rituals to the Goddess by Jennifer Teixeira is a superb book of practical rites to honour the ancient Goddess of the crossroads, keeper of the keys to mysteries, torch-bearer in the night, psychopomp, and mistress of magic. Anyone wanting to work with Hekate will gain from reading this book, whether they are new seekers on the path or witches of many moons. Teixeira offers forms of divination, spells, recipes and rituals blending historical research and her own experience as a high priestess, witch and herbalist dedicated to Hekate in her many guises.”

You can view Hekate: Temple of the Bones on Amazon and at Moon Books.

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