Saturday 6 March 2021

Video of My Talk on Magic for the Month of March


Here's the video of my talk on Magic for the Month of March, which I gave on Facebook Live on Friday and have uploaded to YouTube. It includes seasonal doll folklore, spiritual spring-cleaning, a spell to protect any seeds you plant, and a guided visualisation for balance.

There are other guided visualisations in my book Pagan Portals: Guided Visualisations. If you want a copy,  Treadwell's bookshop in London has some. You can also order copies from, from Amazon, from Waterstones, via publisher Moon Books’ website and from other pagan bookshops. 

Here's the link to last month's talk, Magic for the Month: February:

My next month's Facebook Live talk will be on Thursday 1 April at 4pm and I'll talk about April Fool's Day, trickster deities, the folklore and symbolism of eggs, a guided visualisation and other magic for the month. It will be at 4pm and free to attend. Here are the details:

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