Wednesday 1 December 2021

Magical Online & London Events in the Next Weeks

Here's a list of weird, wonderful and witchy events over the next week or so with a mixture of online and in-person things to do. I generally list events in the UK, especially in or near London, but some are outside that time zone. If you know an online or London-based event you want included, please email 

Now to 24  December; Supervision. An esoteric art exhibition by Cathy Ward. Venue: The Atlantis Bookshop, 49a Museum Street, London WC1A.

Now to Monday 6 December; Alchemystic: An Exhibition of Paintings by Hazel Florez. Venue: Hackney Downs Studios, 17 Amhurst Terrace, London, E8 2BT.  Free.

Now to 12 December; Dream Sigil, Stone Portal. A labyrinth of ritual objects from Ayesha Tan Jones’ performances, paintings and installations. Exhibition open to the general public by appointment. Venue: Harlesden High Street, 57 High Street, Harlesden, London 

Wednesday 1 December (every Wednesday); Wellbeing Wednesdays with Nadine and Caitriona. Online event. Time: 12.30pm. Tickets: £22 per monthly subscription. 

Wednesday 1 December; Crowleymass: Sadly The Atlantis Bookshop has cancelled its usual annual commemoration of the Greater Feast of the Prophet of the Aeon, Sir Aleister Crowley, due to the rising concern of the COVID-19 pandemic. However, you can raise a toast to Aleister Crowley in your own home and, if you like, purchase a Crowleymass Gift including a charity donation at £10.

Wednesday 1 December; Work in Progress - 'Silenus as a god of Nature in the art of Rubens'. Online talk by Elizabeth McGrath via the The Warburg Institute. Time: 2pm Free but you must reserve a place.

Wednesday 1 December; Astrology and Compatability with Amanda Simon. Event by She's Lost Control online via Zoom. Tickets: £25. Time: 7pm.

Wednesday 1 December (tbc but usually first Wednesday of the month); Drumming and Meditation Online with Taz Thornton. Monthly event. Time: 7pm Price: free.

Wednesday 1 December; Making Flower Essences with Bel Senlle. Event by She's Lost Control. Venue: She's Lost Control - Retail and Events, Broadway Market, London. Tickets: £35. Time: 7pm.

Wednesday 1 December (tbc); Witches of Zoom CoA Gathering. Time: 7.30pm. Free.

Wednesday 1 December; Village Witchcraft and Magic. Zoom talk by Professor Ronald Hutton  through The Last Tuesday Society and The Viktor Wynd Museum of Curiosities. Time: 8pm. Tickets · from £5.82.

Wednesday 1 December (every Wednesday); The Witching Hour on the Witches Inn YouTube channel. Time 8pm. Free.

Thursday 2 December; Midweek Meditation with the College of Psychic Studies. Time: 3pm. Tickets: free for members/£7.50 for non members.

Thursday 2 December; Astrologer Ana Leo will present her Astrological Diary for 2022 at this in-store event. Venue: Watkins Bookshop, 19-21 Cecil Court, · London WC2N 4EZ. Time: 6pm Tickets: Free.

Thursday 2 December; Chiltern Nomadic Pagan Moot. Venue: The Full Moon pub, Hare Lane, Little Kingshill, HP16 0EE. Private Facebook group:

Thursday 2 December; Rewilding our Hearts with shamanic authors Elen Sentier and Imelda Almqvist. Free online Zoom webinar. Time: 7pm.

Thursday 2 December; Online ASSAP talk. Time: 7pm. Free event. Tickets available to ASSAP members. To join for £5 per year, visit

Thursday 2 December (tbc but usually every 2 weeks); Shooting the Wild Witch Breeze. Facebook Live Chat with Rachel Patterson and Elen Sentier.  A new chat video usually every two weeks on a Thursday. Time: 7pm.  Free.

Thursday 2 and 15 December; Magic, Witchcraft and Paranormal Walk. Meet at Saint Paul's Churchyard, London. Time: 7.30pm. Tickets: £15.

Thursday 2 December; Tom Chivers: London Clay: journeys in the deep city. Venue: The Wanstead Tap, 352 Winchelsea Road, London E7 0AQ. Time: 7.30pm. Tickets: £9.21.

Friday 3 December (every Friday); Friday Live Chat hosted by Rachel Patterson, author of the Kitchen Witch series of books. Time: 9am. Free.

Friday 3, 10 and 17 December; Festive Fridays at the College - A chance to shop with 15% discount. Venue: College of Psychic Studies, 16 Queensberry Place, London, SW7 2EB.. Time: 10.30am-4.30pm. Free.

Friday 3 December; Magic for the Month: December. A free talk by me on Facebook Live about magic for December, the Winter Solstice, Yule and New Year's Eve. Time: 4pm, but the video will stay up to be watched later. Free.

Friday 3 December; Lilith, Gender and Demonology. Talk by author Stephanie Spoto. Online via Watkins Bookshop. Time: 5.30pm. Tickets: free.

Friday 3 December; Cacao Ceremony and Women’s Circle by Goddess Healing within. Venue: The Life Centre Notting Hill, 15 Edge Street, London, W8 7PN. Time: 6pm. Tickets: £25.

Friday 3 December; Moonology Dark Moon Ceremony with Yasmin Boland on Facebook live. Time: 6pm. Free.

Friday 3 December; Yoga Vinyasa Flow Workshop with Global Fusion Music and Arts. Free online event. Time: 7.30pm.

Saturday 4 December; Grief Support, with Kim Murray. Digital event by She's Lost Control. Tickets: £15. Time: 10am.

Saturday 4 December; Super New Moon in Sagittarius Ceremony. Facebook Live event by Hay House and Yasmin Boland. Time: noon. Free.

Saturday 4 December; DM: London Dreamtime and Cunning Folk presents Baba Yaga. Venue: Grand Junction, Rowington Close, London W2 5TF. Time: noon. Tickets: up to £11.37.

Saturday 4 December; Kallima Spiritual Centre Open Day. Venue: 8A Adam Business Centre, Cranes Farm Road, Basildon, SS14 3JF. Starts 4pm. Free entry.

Saturday 4 December; Ancient Egypt: Death and immortality. Storytelling for Adults by Jason Buck. Online event. Time: 7.30pm. Tickets: from 7.50.

Saturday 4 December; Darkplaces. Zoom talk by Matthew Holness and Edward Parnell through The Last Tuesday Society and The Viktor Wynd Museum of Curiosities. Time: 8pm. Tickets · from £5.82.

Saturday 4 December; New Moon Circle, with Tree Carr. Digital event by She's Lost Control. Tickets: £15. Time: 8.30pm.

Sunday 5 December; Open Your Mind. Talk by Timmy Davis, the Psilocybin Rescheduling Project Manager at Conservative Drug Policy Reform Group. Venue: Conway Hall, 25 Red Lion Square, London WC1R 4RL. Time: 11am. Tickets by donation.

Sunday 5 December; The Psychic Language of Colour. Online workshop with Daniel Pitt via the College of Psychic Studies. Time: 1pm. Tickets: £80.

Sunday 5 December; Woodspirits in December - Spirals. Venue: Lee Valley Park, London. Free event for members of the group. Time: 2pm.

Sunday 5 December (tbc); Luna Iter Ritual. In-person ritual in Hackney, East London for members of the group. Time: 4.30pm. Entry: £8/£6.

Sunday 5 December; Divine Instruments of Hathor: The Ancient Egyptian Menat and Sistrum. Online event with Dr Joanne Backhouse organised by Explorers Egyptology and Sarah Janes. Time: 6pm. Tickets £5.

Sunday 5 December; Stories of Re-enchantment. Storytelling for Adults by Jason Buck. Online event. Time: 7pm. Tickets from £2.50. 

Monday 6 December; Crystal Yin, workshop with Lisa Hood. Digital event by She's Lost Control. Tickets: £15. Time: evening.

Monday 6 December; Fairytales and Therapy: Little Red Riding Hood. Online talk by DR Libby. Time: 7pm. Tickets: £25.

Monday 6 December;  New Moon  Psychic Protection and Safety Magic Rite with Mani via London Woodland Witches, Wiccans and Pagans. Venue: Highgate Woods, North London. Meet at the Woodman pub. Time: 7pm. Tickets: £10.

Monday 6 December; Healing in the Winter Months using Astrology. Online talk by Marielle Churaqui. Time: 8.30pm. Tickets: £10.

Monday 6 December (every Monday); Mindful Mondays with Caitriona of Be Happiest. Online event. Time 7pm. Tickets: £6 per session or £20 per month. 

Tuesday 7 December; Carl Jung and the Spiritual Quest. First in Vivianne Crowley's lecture series on the magical and esoteric side of Jung and his circle. via Treadwell's Online. Time: 7pm start. Tickets: £10.

Tuesday 7 December; The Art of Madge Gill: Myrninerest, Marconi and Mars. Online talk with Vivienne Roberts via the College of Psychic Studies. Time: 7pm. Tickets: £12.

Tuesday 7 December; Arthurian Legend. A Lecture by Elizabeth Archibald on Zoom through The Last Tuesday Society and The Viktor Wynd Museum of Curiosities. Time: 7.30pm. Tickets · from £5.82.

Tuesday 7 December (first Tuesday each month); The Witches' Inn Moot.  Venue: The Pavilion, Plough Road, Smallfield, Horley, RH6 9JL. Time: 8pm. Free event.

Wednesday 1 December (every Wednesday); Wellbeing Wednesdays with Nadine and Caitriona. Online event. Time: 12.30pm. Tickets: £22 per monthly subscription. 

Wednesday 8 - Thursday 9 December; Aphrodite's Flame Monthly Vigil. Join Aphrodite's Flame Keepers to tend a candle flame from for as long as you wish in your own home, from dusk to dusk. Venue: Worldwide. Details:

Wednesday 8 December; Rune Meditations Workshop with
Andre Henriques via Treadwell's Online. Time: 7pm start. Tickets: £20/£18.

Wednesday 8 December (normaly first Tuesday each month, but a day later this time); Crystals with Vickie. Talk at Romford Pagan Moot. Venue: The Golden Lion, 2 High Street, Romford. Time: 7.30pm. Entry £4.

Wednesday 8 December; The Ravenmaster - The Corvids of The Tower of London. Zoom Talk by Chris Skaife  through The Last Tuesday Society and The Viktor Wynd Museum of Curiosities. Time: 8pm. Tickets · from £5.82.

Thursday 9 December; Inform Seminar: ‘Transformations of Paganism – Identity and Practice’. Online event. Time: 5:30pm. Tickets by donation.

Thursday 9 December; Divine Feminine Archetypes. Talk by Cassandra Eve online via Watkins Bookshop. Time: 5.30pm. Tickets: free.

Thursday 9 December; Mistletoe, Wrens and Mumming: British Christmas folklore and traditions. Online talk by Kirsty Hartsiotis. Time: 7pm. Tickets: £5.

Thursday 9 December; Spiritualism's Dark Tale: The Spirit Engineer. In-person event with AJ West. Venue:  Treadwell's Bookshop, 33 Store St, London WC1E 7BS, UK. Time: 7pm start. Tickets: £5 without a book, £11.99 with a book.

Thursday 9 December; The Sun at Midnight. A ceremonial and meditative approach to the midwinter, led by Julian Vayne via Treadwell's Online. Time: 7pm start. Tickets: £20/£18.

Thursday 9 December; Children of the Night: The History of the Wolf in Britain. Talk by Derek Gow on Zoom through The Last Tuesday Society and The Viktor Wynd Museum of Curiosities. Time: 8pm. Tickets · from £5.82.

Friday, 10 December; An Exploration of Intuition Through the Activities of Ancient Leaders of Humanity. Free online event via Rudolf Steiner - Spiritual Science. Time: 7.30pm.

Saturday 11 December Ancestral Wounding and Healing. Workshop with Jez Hughes, author of The Heart of Life, via the College of Psychic Studies. Time: 10am. Tickets: £105.

Saturday 11 and Sunday 12 December; Back to Basics. Introduction to Ritual Magic with Dolores Ashcroft-Nowicki via the Magickal Women Partnership. Online via Zoom. Time: 7pm. Tickets: £20.

Sunday 12 December; Reawaken - Where are we now?  How do we want to transform? Re-Awakening Ceremonial Journey with Persephone and Aphrodite. First in a series of rituals. People are welcome to join for one, some, or all of them. The first one is free, subsequent rituals are £12 per ticket. 7pm.

Sunday 12 December; The Krampus and the Old, Dark Christmas. Talk by Al Ridenour on Zoom through The Last Tuesday Society and The Viktor Wynd Museum of Curiosities. Time: 8pm. Tickets · from £5.82.

Notes: I am not responsible for the content of these events except my own talk on magic for the month. I don't always know about changes or cancellations to events I don't run - tbc means to be confirmed. Contact event organisers directly if you have any questions, and please let me know if you are aware of something that needs correcting. I generally list things in the UK, especially in or near London, but some are outside that time zone. Where a practitioner is offering information about magical wellbeing and healing, this is *not* medical advice.


Jane said...

Just a quick note to say we are usually asked to pay £4 for the event at the Romford Moot (first Tuesday of each month) and £1 per raffle ticket, the proceeds from the raffle going to a local animal hospital. It's not free, but it is always very good value.

Badwitch said...

Jane - thanks for letting me know!

Jane said...

In case anyone's thinking of going to the Romford Moote on Tuesday 7th - it's been moved to Wednesday 8th due to a double booking!

Badwitch said...

Oh thanks for mention it, I'll change it