Friday, 20 May 2022

My Talks & Workshops on Poppets, Scrying & Goddesses

Here's details of the talks, workshops and other events I'm running from this weekend until the end of July. There's a mixture of online and in-person events. Some are free.

Saturday 21 May; I'm running a poppet-making workshop at 2pm this Saturday as part of the activities at Sussex Faerie Festival in Alfriston in the Sussex Downs. The festival itself runs from today until Sunday 22nd May, but you can just come along on the Saturday. One-day tickets cost £30 but my workshop and all the entertainment are free once you get inside.

Saturday 11 June; In-person scrying workshop. I'll be teaching the visionary practice of gazing on water, mirrors, flames and crystal balls, based on my book Pagan Portals - Scrying at Treadwells, 33 Store St, London WC1E 7BS, UK. It's a 2-hour workshop with a 1pm start. Tickets: £22.

Saturday 2-Sunday 3 July is MoonCon 22 - a free online two-day conference with talks from Moon Books authors. I'll be giving a 45-minute talk on divination practices at 2pm on Saturday 2 July

Tuesday 5 July; I'll be giving an online talk called Scrying: Crystals Balls, Dark Mirrors and Vessels of Water as part of the Doreen Valiente 100th Year Celebration collection by the Doreen Valiente Foundation.  Time: 6.30pm. Tickets: £5.98

Saturday 9 July, Laura Daligan and I will be teaching a one-day workshop on goddesses as part of the Feminine Power: The Divine to the Demonic exhibition at the British Museum in London. More details will follow. You can find out about the exhibition and events here:

Saturday 16 July; This is another chance to do my in-person scrying workshop at Treadwells, 33 Store St, London WC1E 7BS, UK. Time: 1pm start. Tickets: £22.

Saturday 23 July, Another chance to do the goddess workshop being run by Laura Daligan and myself as part of the Feminine Power: The Divine to the Demonic exhibition at the British Museum in London. More details will follow. You can find out about the exhibition and events here:

I'm Lucya Starza and as well as writing A Bad Witch's Blog I'm the author of  books in the Pagan Portals series on Candle Magic, Guided Visualisations, Poppets and Magical Dolls, and Scrying. I also edited Every Day Magic. You can buy my books at Treadwell's Bookshop, via Amazon, and at other bookshops. You can find more about me at my author page at publisher Moon Books, and on my Amazon author page.

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